Options Trade Alert: Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA)


Date: April 17, 2018
Name: Walgreens Boots Alliance
Symbol (Exchange): WBA (NasdaqGS)
Type: Long Call Option
Expiration: October 19, 2018
Strike Price: 65.00
Limit: Buy below $5.25
Symbol: WBA181019C00065000


It seems no news is good enough to get Walgreens moving back to the upside these days. Yesterday, CNBC reported that Amazon has decided to abandon plans to enter the hospital pharmacy business, a rumor that sent Walgreens’ share price plummeting six months ago. Two weeks ago, the company increased earnings guidance for 2018. Last week, its board announced a 7% dividend hike. And yet, its share price remains stubbornly fixated to the $65 area despite this flurry of good news.

I don’t think this discrepancy will last much longer. Now trading at less than 11 times this year earnings with a PEG ratio of less than 1.0, WBA is attractive to value and growth investors alike. If Walgreens makes it back above $75 by this fall as I expect it to, then this options trade should result in a 100% gain in less than six months.

Stock Talk

James Fletcher

James Fletcher

Bought at 5.15

Kenneth B

Kenneth B

Bought at 5.05 at 3:25 pm EST

Asjad Shamim

Asjad Shamim

Hi Jim,
Just to confirm, is this a ONE LEG “CALLs” Trade?
Buy To Open: WBA
Expiration: October 19, 2018
Strike Price: $65
Limit Price: $5.25 or lower

Is above correct?

Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce


Benny K

Benny K

In at $5.10 on Schwab



In at $ 5.10 at TC.Thanks

Jeffrey J

Jeffrey J

Filled @ $5.10 on TradeStation.

Roger Dehring

Roger Dehring

Good morning, Jim,

Joined you in this trade. Bought JUL-OCT 72.5/65 diagonal calls for a -$4.25 debit. Then paid for part of that cost by selling the JUL 62.5/60 put spread for +$0.60. Did more contracts of the put spread so that my net cost is $3.45 per the calls. Will roll the 72.5 call forward and/or up in July.



I did a Call Debit spread 65/75 Oct for $3.37 on Fidelity today.

Pat C.

Pat C.

Bought the dip today in at $4.45.

Asjad Shamim

Asjad Shamim

Is it recommended to avg down the limit price?
Currently bought @ 5.11… Recommended to buy another contract on dip?



WBA – filled @ $4.75 DR (IB)



WBA – Averaged down – bought at $4.40

Janis Bell

Janis Bell

I’m kind of lost here. Just got approved for level 1 options. Am I supposed to buy 100 shares of WBA and then sell a covered call at $65? That seems contrary to Jim’s prediction that it will go up ro $75. Otherwise, I am buying a call meaning I’m agreeing to buy the stock at $65 in October if it goes to $65 or above? (Not sure I can do that in Level 1). But if it’s now below $65, why not buy it at $63 and take profits when it hits $73 or 75, assuming Jim’s predictions are on the mark?



This is not a covered call. That is a sale not a buy of an option.

Here we are simply buying an option. There is no future obligation to buy the stock when you buy a call and we are not buying the stock.

Jim’s recommendation is to buy the call below $5.25. With the price of the stock down, you should be able to buy the call for less than $5.25.

Janis Bell

Janis Bell

Rick, Thanks!
So we make money selling the call option when the stock goes up and never have to invest in the stock itself?



That’s it.

John N

John N

Bought in today @ $3.95 /Call for Oct 19th.

Janis Bell

Janis Bell

Right now the stock is over the strike price. But the cost of the calls are less than $5.25. Mid between bid and ask is $4.65. Just trying to understand how these amounts relate to the actually stock price at the time of sale or purchase? Thanks to anyone who can explain it.

Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce

Upon expiration, the option’s intrinsic value is the difference between the strike price and its closing price that day. So, if WBA closes at $75 that day and the strike price is $65, then its intrinsic value is $10. However, between now and then a lot of factors will affect that option’s market value, including the amount time remaining until expiration (see ‘Time Value’ in the PF “Intro to Options” guide: https://www.investingdaily.com/res/downloadablePremiums/IDIntrotoOptions.pdf).

That’s why we recommend using limit orders when trading options, since the spread between the bid and ask price can become quite wide at times.



Filled at 4.75 on 4/19.

Should we add a profit exit or trailing stop?

Pat C.

Pat C.

Any explanation for the poor performance of this trade? Fortunately I bailed on the GIS trade before it dropped 70%. Is this normal? I am beginning to think this strategy is nothing more than trial and error.

Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce

We’ve seen this type of behavior before in some of our trades, but I would not describe it as normal. However, we have 4+ months left in this trade so it is far too soon to bail out on it.

Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce

For those of you that stayed in this trade, we got some very good news yesterday that WBA is replacing GE in the Dow Jones Industrial Average: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/walgreens-boots-alliance-set-join-215900246.html. Our call option jumped 50% this morning and is trading close to our entry point with four months of time remaining.

Dramatic License

Dramatic License

This is great news!

Pat C.

Pat C.

Yes, good news. I got in at $4.45 so today’s 80% gain turned my loss into a nice gain. Hard not to sell on this news but trying to remain patient.

Benny K

Benny K

Nice to see WBA turning around. Hopefully GIS will post good earnings results on the 27th and bounce back.

Janis Bell

Janis Bell

I was late in getting approved for options, and am now wondering if I should get in on this trade today. At the $65 strike price, the buy is higher than Jim’s suggestion. Is there a better way to get in close to earnings? Thanks! (PS, so happy with the profit in HBI, better than I made on anything last 18 months buying the stocks with a much smaller investment. I am hooked on options now!)

Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce

As I expected, Walgreens released Q3 results this morning that included an earnings beat, improved guidance, a dividend hike, and a new $10 billion share repurchase program (https://finance.yahoo.com/news/walgreens-fiscal-3q-earnings-snapshot-111433641.html). Normally, that type of news would push its share price several points higher and our call option would be looking good. Unfortunately, Amazon also announced this morning that it is acquiring PillPack to compete in the online pharmacy business (https://finance.yahoo.com/news/amazon-acquire-pillpack-123000946.html) so all of the pharmacy companies are taking a beating this morning, including WBA. I think the pre-market trading is exaggerating the impact, so we’ll see it where it settles down later in the day. Clearly, this is bad news for our option even though I believe WBA will eventually recover. Presumably, Walgreens will put some of that $10 billion to use right away to keep its share price above $60, but it may take a while for it to get back above $65.

Janis Bell

Janis Bell

The 65 Oct 19 call is down to $1.55 now. Does that mean that options bidders don’t think the stock will climb back up to $65 by October? In other words, is this a good buying opportunity for options or a long position?

Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce

Yes, that’s what that means but I think they are wrong about that. The stock price is distorted this morning by an imbalance of buy and sell orders amplified by program trading, and I expect it to level off somewhere between $60 – 65 once the initial wave of sell orders are cleared. Keep in mind that the new $10 billion share repurchase program amounts to 15% of WBA’s current market capitalization, which is a huge number. I think this is a good buying opportunity for stock or option, but be prepared for some extreme price swings in the days to come until an equilibrium between true supply and demand is restored.

Pat C.

Pat C.

Sold my WBA Oct 65 calls yesterday for $5.58 a 25% gain. Even though there is a lot a time left on this trade given where it has been, down about 80%, I was happy to close it out with a 25% gain.



We’re sitting on a nice gain with the WBA calls. I hate to sell too early but I’d hate even more to get caught in a selloff. I have never used stop order but is there any thought to using some type of stop order in this case? Thanks!

Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce

Great minds think alike. I will be issuing that alert later this morning now that we have the 50% gain I was targeting.



I sold my calls for $8even before I got the alert! Thanks for the reco. I had already had subscribed to UF, OFI and VT when about 6 months ago I decided to join WS. It has more than paid for itself with trades like these! Thanks again.

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