Sell Alert: Omega Protein (OME)

Date: June 22, 2017
Name: Omega Protein Corp.
Symbol: OME
Type: Close
Limit: Sell at market              

Omega Protein closed beneath its stop limit price of $17.25 yesterday, so it is being sold out of the portfolio. There has been no news to explain its continued slide since it was added to the portfolio, so presumably it is due primarily to speculation over its ongoing legal dispute described in the buy alert. As I said then, “With only 4% of its stock in the hands of retail investors, even a minor uptick in demand for the stock could quickly push it up to our target price.” Unfortunately, the reverse is also true and in this case it appears too many of them are bailing out.

Stock Talk

Tom Getz

Tom Getz

I hope you still have that 60-day trial offer? I joined about two weeks ago, and all I have to show for it is a nice loss, and still several thousand dollars at risk. I hope I make some profitable trades soon. I’m counting on your “system”.

Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce

I am surprised to hear that since 6 of the last 7 positions were closed at a gain, and 5 of the 7 positions currently open are also showing a profit. Nevertheless, if you decide this service isn’t for you then we always honor our guarantee. Thank you.

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