Sell Alert: Cisco Systems (CSCO)

Date: June 21, 2017
Name: Cisco Systems
Symbol: CSCO
Type: Close
Limit: Sell at market              

The one-month extension to the holding period for CSCO expires today, and given the lackluster behavior of this stock over that span I do not see the point in extending it any further so I am closing out this position with a modest 4% profit over the past seven months. If you are looking for a hot tech stock to trade in its place, please take a look at the buy alert issued earlier today for IPGP.

Stock Talk

Janis Bell

Janis Bell

I know this is a short term trading service, but I’m curious as to whether you think CSCO has better prospects as a long term hold Jim, and if so, whether you think it will take more than 12-24 months for it to recover?

Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce

Hi Janis, sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this one. Yes, I like CSCO as long-term buy & hold, and I do not think it will take a year or two for it to recover. I believe demand for AR/VR is going to skyrocket after Apple releases the new version of its iPhone later this year, at which time every tech company that is part of that ecosystem should see a spike in revenue, including CSCO.

Martin V

Martin Vetter

Janis, thanks for the question; and Jim, thanks also for the reply.

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