Shining a Light on the Solar Enablers

A great deal has already been written about Elon Musk’s recent announcement that Tesla Motors (NASDAQ: TSLA) has developed the Powerwall home battery, a rechargeable lithium-ion battery for homes, businesses, and utilities. Reactions have been decidedly mixed, from the euphoric — The Tesla Battery Heralds the Beginning of the End for Fossil Fuels — to the very pessimistic – Why Tesla’s Powerwall Is Just Another Toy For Rich Green People. Without going into detail, let me just say that while it may make economic sense in specific situations, presently most homeowners aren’t going to find this new system a compelling economic proposition.

That may of course change over the next few years. While wind and solar power have experienced rapid growth in recent years, they will always suffer from the problem of intermittency. Since these technologies can’t supply firm power (power that is available on demand) they must be backed up by power sources that can provide electricity exactly when it is needed. The picture could change dramatically if cost-effective energy storage solutions were developed.

On many occasions I have referred to the development of cost-effective storage as the most important problem in the energy business. An efficient way to store solar energy for use when the sun isn’t shining would be a game-changer. Tesla’s new system is a step in that direction, but as can been seen at the bottom left of the following graphic, batteries can store energy at only a tiny fraction of the energy density of most of our energy options:

It’s too early to tell whether batteries will win the race for affordable energy storage. But it looks like a good bet that, in any case, wind and solar power will continue to grow at a rapid pace. Many companies in this space will see growth rates well above the market averages.

The glamorous stocks in the solar space have long been those of the solar panel producers and solar project developers. Companies like First Solar (NASDAQ: FSLR), SunPower (NASDAQ: SPWR) and SolarCity (NASDAQ: SCTY) — another company affiliated with Elon Musk — are names familiar to any investor who follows the renewable energy space.

But this new announcement by Tesla directs attention toward solar-enabling technologies like batteries. Other battery makers like Highpower International (NASDAQ: HPJ) are likely to garner more attention from investors as Tesla pushes ahead in this space.

However, there is at least one other largely overlooked but critically important solar-power enabler. Most solar power is produced from solar photovoltaic (PV) cells. Certain materials, such as various types of silicon or cadmium telluride, are capable of producing electricity when struck by solar radiation. Solar PV cells are produced using materials that are susceptible to this photoelectric effect.

But the electricity that is produced is low voltage direct current (DC). An inverter is used to convert the DC output into alternating current (AC), which is the standard used in most households. Thus the inverter has been referred to as the “brain” of a solar PV system.

IHS recently released a list of the top solar PV inverter suppliers for 2014. The global PV inverter market was valued at $6.6 billion in 2014. IHS listed the top five global suppliers as:

Source: IHS

SMA Solar Technology is a German holding company, but it has lost market share in the inverter market for five straight years. ABB (NYSE: ABB) is a much larger Swiss-based company, and inverters are only a very small fraction of its overall business. Omron, TMEIC and Tabuchi are all based in Japan and, unlike SMA and ABB — both of which lost market share in 2014 — each of these Japanese companies gained market share last year.

The only U.S.-based inverter makers in the top 10 globally are Advanced Energy Industries (NASDAQ: AEIS) and Enphase Energy (NASDAQ: ENPH). In the past 12 months AEIS shares are up 45%, while ENPH shares have risen 28%. However, the share prices for both companies have been extremely volatile. SMA, in contrast, has seen its share price decline 52% in the past 12 months.

Because the inverter space is rapidly changing, it should be considered by only the most aggressive of investors. Those with a moderate risk tolerance who want exposure to the solar space would be safer with a project developer, PV panel producer or one of the newly formed solar yieldcos. Conservative investors should probably steer away from this space completely, as even the more conservative offerings have substantial downside risk.  

(Follow Robert Rapier on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.)

Portfolio Update

Getting Behind EQT GP Holdings        

EQT GP Holdings (NYSE: EQGP) is making its market debut today after pricing a 23 million unit initial public offering at $27 per unit, well above the estimated $21 to $24 range. EQT GP Holdings is a master limited partnership representing its sponsor EQT’s (NYSE: EQT) interests in EQT’s primary MLP affiliate EQT Midstream (NYSE: EQM).

EQT is a big, low-cost natural gas driller in the sweet spot of the Marcellus shale, and EQT Midstream, as its name suggests, is helping move its parent’s swiftly swelling  gas volumes from wellhead to the processing plant and beyond. As the general partner of one of the fastest growing MLPs and reaper of its incentive distribution rights, EQT GP Holdings offers leveraged exposure to all that growth.

It holds the 2% general partner interest and 30% of the limited partner units in EQT Midstream alongside escalating incentives that, all told, are forecast to double EQGP’s income over the next two years.

Source: EQT GP Holdings prospectus

For insights into the recent business trends at EQT Midstream, see Making It Up on Volume in the last Energy Strategist.

The midstream business, and in particular the associated incentive distribution rights are a big part of the value we see in EQT.

Back in December, the company projected that, while EQM’s limited partners would see their per-unit distributions double in five years at the present rate of increase, EQGP’s haul would increase 16-fold over the same span.

But that would be missing the point. EQGP will be bought not for its income but for the potential capital appreciation tied to growth.  Demand for such new midstream growth vehicles proved resilient even while the rest of the MLP sector went out of fashion amid the oil crash last winter. Based on the track record of similar recent offerings, expect strong first-day gains and further levitation from there.

We’re comfortable enough with this prognosis to recommend buying EQGP before today’s close; we’ll add it to the Aggressive Portfolio at that first closing price, which will also serve as our initial Buy limit. Adding EQGP alongside EQM and EQT increases our exposure to the sponsor, a good thing given EQT’s Marcellus position and value proposition.

 — Igor Greenwald

Stock Talk

William Popp

William Popp

How does a doubling of the EQM per unit distributions over five years result in a 16 fold increase in EQGP over the same period?
Also Etrade says it has a trailing p/e of 81, shows a market cap of 8.7B and a story which estimates a 1.6% yield on a $25 per unit price. I note that there has been a 254% increase in production since 2010 with 26% YOY in 2014 which suggests a trailing off of that impressive growth rate. So what is there that about all this that would justify the high multiple considering the rapid decline in production from shale wells?

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