7/1/15: Sticker Shock at GasLog Partners

MLP Profits has downgraded GasLog Partners (NYSE: GLOP) to a Hold.

For more information, please see the July 1 issue of the MLP Investing Insider.

Stock Talk



What is your take on the Enterprise Products Partners and the decline seen so far in 2015?

Igor Greenwald

Igor Greenwald

It was nice to talk to you today, TT. For others wondering, my take is that EPD has obviously lagged badly of late but it remains a core holding given its scale and long-term track record; there is simply not a better set of assets out there. They haven’t delivered the same distribution growth as some of their rivals, and the market may be telling them right now to fix that. I think they will — there is certainly plenty of excess distribution coverage and less of a rush to make heavy new investments than there used to be.

Denyse Laird

Denyse Laird

I am getting scared. I just sold half of my position this morning. There seems no end to this downdraft and we are told it could last for five or more years. I do not know about you, but I am getting too old and may never see the coming uptrend..All the countries, opec and non opec are pumping like crazy and I wonder where it is going to lead us. I seems that we are awash in oil and if we do not control ourselves, I wonder what it will happen to to our beautiful home, planet earth.

Igor Greenwald

Igor Greenwald

I understand, but see little to be scared of here. U.S. shale producers are much more efficient than much of OPEC and lower cost to if you factor in the cost of maintaining the OPEC regimes in power. Shale is also a much more attractive energy investment in the current environment than deep offshore wells, and shale output is continuing to expand accordingly. But the real reason not to panic is that many midstream MLPs derive a good deal, and sometimes all, of their income from meeting domestic energy demand, both for natural gas and refined fuels. This demand has only grown in the last year. Meanwhile, shale drilling in the core of the key basins remains profitable and popular, so that the midstream producers will have plenty of business in the years ahead from drillers and consumers who simply can’t do without them. I think we’ve seen the worst. Does that help?



I’m aware that if I get over $1,000 in dividends from (an MLP or MLPs ?) in a pension account there are some consequences. What are the short term and long term consequences. Most of my wife’s assets are in pension accounts. I really like MLP’s —have 100% of my stocks in them and, have done very well however most of my assets are held individually—stocks and real estate

Guest User

Guest User

I am not a tax accountant, and you should speak with one, but, UBTI, UNRELATED BUSINESS TAXABLE INCOME. Something you should research and get professional tax advice on, as it can get complicated. Proceed with caution. Speak to a qualified tax accountant.

Igor Greenwald

Igor Greenwald

Yes, speaking with a knowledgeable tax professional is definitely recommended. In general, tax-deferred retirement accounts are subject to taxation on partnership income exceeding $1,000 a year, from all sources. Now, it’s true that most and in some cases all of an MLP distribution is termed return of capital, so that depending on the size and number of your accounts the UBTI will not necessarily trigger. But MLPs are best deployed in taxable accounts if you have any, simply because there the tax deferral and accelerated stepup basis at inheritance have the most value.

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