Sell Alert: AmTrust Financial (AFSI)

Date: March 1, 2017
Name: AmTrust Financial Services
Symbol: AFSI
Type: Close
Limit: Sell at market 

AFSI dropped sharply this week after the company announced (see “Update on Anticipated Timing of 10-K Filing” at bottom of document) it had “identified material weaknesses in its internal control over financial reporting that existed as of December 31, 2016″. Exactly what those “material weaknesses” are has not yet been disclosed, but apparently a lot of shareholders aren’t waiting around to find out.

Since AFSI closed beneath my stop price I have to sell it, and its target holding period is up in two weeks anyway so I don’t see much upside potential between now and then given the confusion over what this statement may imply. However, since the company also stated that it “expects to make immaterial corrections to errors in its financial statements” for prior year results, the stock should eventually recover if that turns out to be the case, and it may be worth rolling call options another month or two to see how this plays out.

Stock Talk

Larry Johnson

Larry Johnson

AFSI delayed filing their annual report this morning due to “financial errors” dating all the way back to 2014. Looks like someone ought to be going to jail over this one….sad.

Dramatic License

Dramatic License

And, as always, the shareholders get punished also. Ugh.

Larry Johnson

Larry Johnson

Yep. I’ve had them on one of my watch lists for some time now just to see what’s gonna come out of their “financial errors”. Several law firms are like wolves surrounding the helpless goat right now….could be quite ugly. Be interesting to see what come out of it…..maybe a chance to make a few pesos on the right options at the right time though. Right now, I wouldn’t touch it with a 10′ pole….LOL.

Dramatic License

Dramatic License

Yeah, that sounds about right. 🙂

Larry Johnson

Larry Johnson

Looks like AFSI finally got its books in order and filed their necessary SEC reports. Stock jumped up over $3/share on that news. I decided to buy the $17.50 Sept. Call a few days ago on the cheap to help offset the loss on the stock. We’ll see what happens.

Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce

Nice trade! I’d hardly call a write-down of $136 million “immaterial”, but hopefully this will get the stock headed back up. Will also be interesting to see if the class-action lawsuit stands up if there was no willful intent to mislead the public.

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