Buy Alert: D.R. Horton (DHI)

Date: January 18, 2017
Name: D.R. Horton, Inc.
Symbol: DHI
Type: Open
Limit: Buy below $29.50

Holding Period: 3 months
Target Return: 10.9%
Annualized Return: 43.6%
Target Price: $33
Stop Loss Level: $27.25

D.R. Horton is a homebuilding company that was founded in 1978 and is headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas. The company engages in the acquisition and development of land and construction and sale of homes in 78 geographic markets in 26 states. Link to company website.

From a long term perspective homebuilder stocks are not particularly exciting, but from a short term perspective they can be quite volatile and thus provide good trading opportunities. Such appears to be the case with D.R. Horton, which has seen its share price produce no net gain over the past eighteen months despite frequent gyrations to the up and downside of 10-15%.

I think DHI is due for another swing to the upside based on its recent share price behavior, and its high scores from our RPM and IDEAL Stock Rating System. It has strong support near $27, and over the past month has traded at higher highs and higher lows, suggesting it is gaining technical strength. Currently priced at less than 10 times forward earnings with a PEG ratio just under 1.0, it wouldn’t take much good news to produce another 10-15% upward movement.

D.R. Horton was upgraded back up to investment-grade status by Moody’s last week, another sign that it’s financial situation is strengthening. I am intentionally timing this trade to coincide with the release of Horton’s next set of quarterly financial results, due out on January 24th. I suspect the earnings figures will come in a little better than expected, and future guidance will be more optimistic than anticipated so we may get a nice bounce right off the bat.

NOTE: DHI is optionable

Stock Talk

Larry Johnson

Larry Johnson

In at 28.61. TD Ameritrade




Roger Dehring

Roger Dehring

Like this trade, Jim,

Bought MAY 28 calls and sold FEB 30 calls for a -$1.76 debit. Paid for part of it by selling a FEB 28/26 credit put spread for +$0.51. With DHI trading at $28.56 the 28 short strike has a 1.9% cushion. That’s less than my preferred 3%, however, DHI has a strong 80 seasonality into FEB. A $0.51 return on a $2.00 spread meets my 25% preference for short-and-skinny trades.

My plan will be to roll the 30 calls up in February with a goal of returning up to $5.00 on my $1.25 investment. Had to go out to May because April isn’t available, but will probably close early.

Have a great day Jim,

black arrow

black arrow

Hi Roger,
Maybe you can clarify something I am vague on I decided to emulate your spread. The may Call at 28 is showing me it is ITM. How do you picture the price action will play out? Can it continue to go higher in value? Or is this as good as it gets? This is something I have been vague on for awhile in general.
Thanks for passing on another good idea!

Roger Dehring

Roger Dehring

Hi black arrow,

I always buy calls that are ITM. With a 5.4% premium to current price, the MAY 28 call is a reasonable call to buy.

As for what I expect…I think Jim’s explanation makes sense and $33 is a reasonable target for April. I will monitor next month to determine what action to take (both put spread and sold call) as February expiration approaches.


black arrow

black arrow

Overtime you write in, you are clarifying something to many others.
I appreciate the time you have taken to bring me more understanding.
I know one member has said she does not tend to do well with calls; I’d sayiof she reads your reply, she may begin to do better than before.

Thanks for upping our odds for success; and Thank you Jim Pearce for bringing us another good idea
back to making my Tourtiere for dinner its from King Arthur’s book

Maria R

Maria R

Thanks, Black Arrow for asking the right questionsandRoger for clarifying: It helps me a lot.

black arrow

black arrow

helping others is a good thing! Keep in mind Roger is the super Options guy :^)

black arrow

black arrow

Hi Roger,
I am looking at the DHI calls the short legin Feb is now ITM. When you see that do you close that Leg?
just looking at the DHI chart and it had a Gap up open today, but a somewhat weak candle with a wick top and bottom.

Roger Dehring

Roger Dehring

Jim sure got that one right, Black Arrow,

Didn’t he. I want to see what DHI does in the morning to see if today’s move holds. If it does, I can do one of three things: 1) close the entire trade (puts and calls) for around $2.35, nearly a 100% gain in ten days; 2) roll the FEB 30 call forward or forward and up; or 3) nothing until we get closer to FEB expiration.

Will decide in the morning. Will let you know what I do.

Roger Dehring

Roger Dehring

DHI opened up around $31.30 this morning, black arrow,

So I decided to make a couple moves. I closed half my FEB/MAY 30/28 calls for a nice +$2.37 credit. Then closed all of my FEB 28/26 puts for a -$0.06 debit. With DHI going ex-dividend early next week, the remaining FEB 30 puts were thin on time value with assignment a concern. So I rolled the remaining half of the FEB 30 calls out a month and up to MAR 31 calls for a -$0.31 debit.

These actions returned almost 80% of my original investment in this trade. I continue to hold a half position of long MAY 28 calls and short MAR 31 calls which will require further action six weeks from now.

This sure looks like another great trade, Jim. What you are doing with this style of trading every month or so is really exciting…thanks!

Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce

Thank you. I have to admit, I love it when a trade works out exactly as planned. 🙂 Of course, not all of them do which is why making big profits on the ones that behave as expected is so important to long term success. Nice trade!

black arrow

black arrow

Thanks Roger, interesting and instructive moves and timely as well. I was just looking at the DHI chart it is PARABOLIC. This seems exciting now , but can be similar to an arrow shot straight up – so I think I will wait a bit for a better entry. Right now I am scoping BBY. I think I may change my price to 44.73 area.
Off to the races .
Have a great day Sir

Roger Hill

Roger Hill

Roger D.,
Thanks for sharing your strategy with us. I’m learning a lot from you and I’m sure all of us appreciate your willingness to explain your reasoning. Two questions:
Could you elaborate on your calculation of the 1.9% cushion for the Feb $28 short put?
If the 5.4% premium for the May $28 long call is reasonable, what would you consider unreasonable?
Thanks, again, for being so helpful.
Roger H.

Roger Dehring

Roger Dehring

1.9% is the difference, Roger,

between the price of DHI at the time I entered the trade ($28.56) and the short strike ($28.00) at which point my trade would go ITM.

Jim Fink has an explanation on his OFI website as to the maximum time-value surcharge he will accept when buying calls. I highly recommend you read it if you are going to be buying calls. I normally try to stay between 5% and 10% when buying LEAPS. This trade is a bit different than a traditional LEAP, but I was comfortable with 5.4%.


black arrow

black arrow

We have to bear in mind DHI is in a downtrend overall going back to last July. This is counterbalanced by taking on a position at a low price, with an opportunity to sell at a higher price. I notice someone has just sold 300 shares, but that is a pretty random event. We should consider the Bollinger Bands are in a squeeze; this means there should be increased volatility, but we can only know which way it may move by watching price. Meanwhile RSI is holding its own at 54.8 a good reading.MACD is positive. CMF is just starting to turn positive. Jim is right it has trade up with higher highs and higher lows recently. Here is a link [I hope]

black arrow

black arrow

DHI is now exhibiting a 2 day combined candle formation called a Harami – a bullish one. Therefore in addition to my options I entered a position in the stock at 28.28. I like that the candle is on the dashed center of the bollinger bands [20 day moving avg] and 50 MA as well a Great Support area!
Also I wanted to pass on from a good source copper is up and this is closely correlated to housing being up.

black arrow

black arrow

I decided to close out my calendar spread on DHI as well as sell 200 shares of stock. This netted me a $1049.37 profit in 3 trading days. Like my sister likes to say in life timing is everything. I will likely get back into the stock again.
I have a correction for a post to Roger Dehring on 1/18. I wrote Overtime; what I meant to write was Every time.
And I would be remiss, if I did not thank Roger for the calendar spread idea; as well as Jim Pearce, for a so far successful trade in DHI recommendation. I have had the stock years back, but this has been the most fun with homebuilders for a while.

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

Good call on DHI Jim, I’m up 96% so far.


Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce

Thank you,and nice trade! We got the good news I was hoping for today:

black arrow

black arrow

Hi Derek,
Good trading! Is that a calendar spread or a vertical spread an incredible profit.

Best Wishes

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

Thanks! I bought calls, specifically the May 19, 2017 $33 calls for $.34 each. I chose not to do spreads because each contract was very inexpensive.

Hopefully DHI continues to move much higher…


Rick W.

Rick W.

I closed out my position today for a 9.13% gain in 7 days which is almost 84% of the targeted return of 10.90% over a projected 3 month holding period. Unless my math is screwy which is certainly possible, that’s equivalent to an annualized return of 416.17%. Is that right??
Thank you Jim, this is my first closed trade with SW and we’re off to a great start!!

Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce

You’re welcome, and your math sounds right to me. Well done!

Rick W.

Rick W.

I am watching DHI and looking to re-enter at the gap close which should be around the 50 SMA, about $28.50. MACD and RSI should look better as well if it continues to drop to that level. Has anything happened that would change your opinion about the upside here?

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

Hey BA,

How do the charts look for DHI?



black arrow

black arrow

Hey Derek,
The chart looks strong for DHI. Recently I got ITB since it was spoken of highly by someone I always listen to John Murphy. I just was working on DHI Chart after seeing you had a question, and I wanted to mention there is a positive correlation between ITB and DHI of 0.91%. One difference is there are rentals in ITB as well. I am sending an updated chart for your perusal.
I wanted to pass on an idea that is new to me I heard in a webinar. lets look in the top viewing pane. I have made an oval highlight to show the dashed thick green line [50 day EMA] passing above the red 200 day Exponential Moving average. This is positive. Here is the new idea [to me] I added the 50 day simple MA represented as gold in color. Note the green dashed line is higher – this is positive. The reason it is different is EMA weights more recent action than simple ma. The reason to show both is just that it confirms RECENTLY DHI has been improving. Please note for those who may not know 50 ought to be above 200 in a healthy stock. If we go down to the MACD pane it is above the 0.0 which is positive. In theory RSI above 70 is overbought, but as I have read often it had to be strong to get there. Lastly and this is a new for me indicator, I have become aware of from yet another webinar the PMO is above the red 0 line positive territory and back in early January it crossed its blue signal line. Now I will mention changes we need to be aware of that Could mean a reversal of fortunes, if MACD dips below 0.0 that can be considered a SELL Signal If RSI gets into the 30-40 area I would not stick around. lastly PMO measures momentum and if the dark line which is the pmo dips below the light signal line that would be a sell signal. here is a free area anyone can use from the source my chart comes from; seasonality we can all easily see what upcoming months it closed higher in, I am challenging anyone who has an interest to check this out and learn some easy to glean facts on when it statisticallyu has been higher. When I got back into ITB about a month ago I discovered it was highest it has been in about a decade. here is the whimsical name for a candle like yesterdays a “Spinning Top”, it shows indecision this may be related to the Presidents speech, and the Fed and what will interest rates do? Wall St always wants to know. If we want to increase jobs homebuilding is a good way to do that, its pretty simple to understand, yesterday I heard we are behind in housing – so we need to get rolling. Last week I bt some July Calls on ITB and looking at my IRA that line is green across my screen. The oldest step-son is in Stowe today in the last division Alpine race forecast is rain 🙁 thats why I watched his race yesterday.
hope you all have some green numbers

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

Thank you BA,

Nice technical analysis! I’m currently up 277% on this trade, based on the charts, fundamentals and economics I feel we still have a ways to go. I will definitely be watching for the sell signals on the charts.

Hopefully your step-son has a good race with the forecasted rain. We have some really nice warm weather, 60’s for the next couple days and then up to mid 70’s for awhile. 70’s and 80’s is a beautiful temperature here in Vegas.

Have a good one, Dow currently up 303 points!


PS: I will let you know when I start the free trial with stock charts…. I will sign up soon

black arrow

black arrow

Hi Derek, I sold 2 of my 5 calls on ITB this AM I figure there is plenty of upside still ahead for either one.

black arrow

black arrow

I noticed today Zacks thinks it can hit 34.50
I heard both the Girls team as well as Boys Team, has done well enough that they are in the State competition in Middlebury, coming up in about a week. I recall Telemarking in the rain on my birthday – but that was in April – and quite a few years ago.
I guess the SLV trade is still rising, but gold is out now. I read insurers are up maybe some of us can get some back on afsi. I held onto COPX and it was up. Banks,brokers, steel were up. moolah is leaving bonds going into stocks.
GTG involved with Pizza dough

Frank B. Las Vegas

Frank B. Las Vegas

Hi BA! Gleaning facts THX for keeping it simple.

black arrow

black arrow

Hi Frank,
Best Wishes in your trading

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