Sell Facebook Puts for 50% Plus One-week Gain

Sell to close the April 20, 2018 put on Facebook (NYSE: FB) with a strike price of $175 at $7.90 or higher Symbol (FB180420P175)

Facebook has moved lower, partly due to a subdued management presentation and partly due to overall market weakness. Either way, the stock is down and the puts are up,ย so I suggest booking the 50% gain.

Stock Talk



Sold at $7.90. Thank You Linda !!

Abhi A

Abhi A

Bought March 09 177.5 @1.83 and sold for 5.60. Bought April 06 175 @3.25 and sold for 6.60. Thanks for the suggestion Linda.

Melody Pfingsten

Melody Pfingsten

Could you please ask your customer service dept to start alerting me with text again! I have been dropped off since the first of the year. Thanks..
FYI did you see sedg is up to 50?? I am hoping celg and snd do something similar. I got caught in PI do you have any recommendations ?

Linda McDonough

Linda McDonough

Yes, I will definitely send your request along to the customer service group.
And yes, I’ve been painfully watching SEDG (and AKAM if we’re keeping count), both stocks that I bought too early and then bailed at the wrong time. I have been very frustrated with CELG but I think investors are tired of being burned by names like Valent (VRX) and worry about it being a value trap. I completely disagree with that thinking.
I haven’t been following PI closely since luckily selling it last summer. If I find anything interesting I will post it in the weekly update as others might have the same question.

Melody Pfingsten

Melody Pfingsten

Linda, thanks for the info. I also usually get notified you have replied again nothing.
I did sell ichr today for a 5K gain. I think it might have room to run but hard to leave that kind of money on the table!

Linda McDonough

Linda McDonough

That is strange. I did contact customer service and they said they are looking into the text alert issue. Let me follow up.

Michael D

Michael D

thanks! with this win for us Linda, I am glad you could finally get rid or your “ugly underbelly…” post.
have a good weekend TGIF! ๐Ÿ™‚

Dane Barlow

Dane Barlow

Not anywhere near 50% gain. By the time I got your text alert it was already down to about 32% gain. I took it, but I wish I had followed my intuition intraday on Thursday and got a real 50%.

Stuart Housden

Stuart Housden

“…the stock is down…” – not any more it isn’t. Should I keep my GTC order active in the hope FB drops again or should I take what I can get now?

Linda McDonough

Linda McDonough

The main offices at Investing Daily who handle the text and email alerts lost power Friday due to the East Coast storm. This is why your alert came in so late.
The FB puts don’t expire until April and I don’t think the weakness we’ve seen in the stock is over. I will include a note for all subs on Monday but think the stock will revisit lower levels before expiration.

Stuart Housden

Stuart Housden

Thank you Linda. I will hold firm for now ๐Ÿ™‚

Stuart Housden

Stuart Housden

My GTC order from March 2nd at $7.90 filled today! Thanks Linda! ๐Ÿ™‚

Steve Aarnio

Steve Aarnio

Anyone else still stuck with this one? Should I take the loss, or stick with it?

Matt H

Matt H

I’m new to PCA and I was looking at the positions. I see that the FB puts were sold with a 50% gain and I also see that those same puts at the same strike are now only 2.24 today. Given the analysis on the FB shares, would it make sense to get into this trade at the lower price or is it too late now?

Linda McDonough

Linda McDonough

The FB option trade was timed to coincide with a company presentation on February 28th. Some of the usage issues I noted were discussed but the stock only dropped temporarily. I would hold off on a new position here. I am working on some other options trades that will hopefully benefit from the problems FB is experiencing.
It’s quite possible the stock drops below $175 before the April expiration but I think there might be better trades.

Melody Pfingsten

Melody Pfingsten

Linda, I still am not getting text notifications. I have not changed cell phone number in 10 years. I do not get notification when you reply to my emails either. If you cannot get your customer service to do as you instruct what hope do I have? I like you service very much but have had a lot of issues with customer service, my acct is on auto so it is paid in full till Dec. please, please get this rectified! The box is checed to notify me of follow up comments via email which does NOT happen!



For some reason i was also having an intresting issue with the text message alerts. I have a basic flip phone that was receiving the text alerts but one day after shutting it off for a flight it just stopped without reason. I was receiving all other messages though.Customer service was not able to detect where the problem was coming from, so i switched the mobile number on investing dailys file to my second mobile number which is to an android phone. The messages started coming again and then a short while later i switched the number on file back to my basic flip phone number and its been working fine since then. I dont know if it was just a change and reset of the phone numbers that did the trick or if there would be some difference between a smart phone and basic phone. Hope this can help you

Linda McDonough

Linda McDonough

I’ve included the CEO of the company on your request so I hope to see it rectified soon. I’ll let you know what I hear. I apologize for the frustration.

Linda McDonough

Linda McDonough

DId you receive a text alert today for the Harsco trade? Just checking back to see if the problem has been rectified.

Linda McDonough

Linda McDonough

Dear Subscribers-
Those of you still holding the Facebook (NYSE: FB) April 175 puts- please keep your eye on these options today. Facebook is quoted down 7 pre-open (at $178) due to concerns about the shared data with Cambridge Analytica. These puts should see a big pop today.

Abhi A

Abhi A

was holding on to one contract till today. Finally sold for 100% gain. Patience paid off! Thanks again.

Steve Aarnio

Steve Aarnio

Maybe I’m a little jittery after missing the first opportunity to sell, but I’ve closed these out today for ~30% gain.

Melody Pfingsten

Melody Pfingsten

Linda, success. Yes, I did receive a text message. Thank you so kindly for checking back.

Mark F

Mark F

I just sold the FB put for $10.37 at the open. A 117% gain. Thank you Linda.

George McMillion

George McMillion

Just sold FB $175 Put for $12.92…….nice profit. Thank you Linda.

Michael D

Michael D

wow, you da man George; well played!

Linda McDonough

Linda McDonough

Well done George! I wish I had waited as well.

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