New Directions

Making money investing in the tech sector is not as easy as it may seem. While the mainstream media spends most of its time talking about the companies that have already become industry heavyweights, it spends very little time discussing those that have fallen by the wayside. Of course, as… Read More

Recently we added Dr. Joe Duarte to our research team at Smart Tech Investor, and have been very impressed with his insight and analysis. Although we realize the biotech sector has appreciated considerably during the past year and may be due for a correction, we feel the long term upside… Read More

Just as we believe innogration is the key to long term success for every tech company, so too do we feel it should be practiced by this publication so that our subscribers remain ahead of the curve. As you know, innogration consists of two critical components: innovation, which is achieved… Read More

Looks like we should have called this month’s edition of STI “the automobile issue” as both Leo Boeckl’s In Focus article, which discusses how Apple appears to be following in Ford Motor Company’s footsteps from the prior long technological wave, and Rob’s Sector Spotlight article, which highlights a company on… Read More

Our original subscribers may recall that back in December of 2013 we named Apple as “The One Tech Stock to Own in 2014”, but do you remember the other company that we considered for that honor? It was Verizon, which recently made a move that we believe indicates that it… Read More

We are only three weeks into 2015 and already the stock market has taken on a very different tone from a month ago. Fears of deflation in Europe combined with steadily declining oil prices have changed the mood from cautious optimism to guarded pessimism. This is completely in line with… Read More

It was one year ago today – December 16th, 2013 – that we published the first issue of Smart Tech Investor. Our reason for launching this service was simple: we believed that tech stocks would lead the stock market in the years to come, and we had a system that… Read More

This month’s trouncing of Democrats by Republicans at the polls has already set off a legislative domino chain that ultimately should result in net neutrality becoming the law of the land. In short, the first thing the GOP did after winning a majority in both houses is send the Keystone… Read More

Although we talk a lot about our concept of innogration, we are now seeing the companies that need to catch up engaging in "reverse innogration" as a means of stripping themselves down in order to grow back up. Read More

Last week Apple shook up the market by announcing several new product introductions, including its long awaited entry into the wearable tech market – the Apple Watch. While it remains to be seen if the watch – or any other form of wearable tech – really catches on there are… Read More