Thank you for joining us on what we believe will be an epic journey. At the risk of sounding immodest, this inaugural issue of Breakthrough Tech Profits represents a new era in tech investing that will go far beyond the traditional boundaries of the information technology sector.

Although a lot of money is yet to be made on companies operating solely within the tech sector, we believe the most exciting opportunities can be found at the intersections of technology and a host of other industries. That’s where the profit multiplier of technology combines with global megatrends to produce the next generation of stock market winners.

page 1 chartTo that end we have assembled a team of analysts who each specialize in a particular area to bring depth and imagination to our portfolios. In this issue our resident medical expert and a doctor by profession, Joe Duarte, weighs in on the growing battle in the healthcare sector between providers and insurers. The situation has gotten so bad that some practitioners are electing not to perform procedures that leave open the possibility of a sizable chargeback if there are future complications. Nobody wants to get stuck with that bill, so once again technology comes to the rescue in the form of one of this month’s featured recommendations.

Global investment guru Ben Shepherd turns his magnifying glass on the farming industry, which has suffered recently from deflationary pricing even as agricultural technology improves the efficiency and output of farms around the world. The agtech sector is attracting a lot of investment not only because of its huge promise but also because the prices of many agricultural commodities are near five-year lows. Farmers can’t afford to invest in technology in off years, so a turn in agricultural prices will boost farm incomes and agtech investment.

In my role as director of portfolio strategy for Investing Daily, I helped create several of the valuation models we use to identify undervalued stocks, including our Smart Tech Rating system, which I described in more detail on page 3.

Although we each identify exceptional investment opportunities from different perspectives, we all share the same objective of maximizing returns while minimizing risks. In some cases, such as the recommendations in my article and Joe Duarte’s, that means offering an options strategy as an alternative means of achieving outsize returns. In other cases, such as some of the small-cap stocks in our Special Situations Portfolio, it means buying into a company before the rest of the world finds out about it.

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