Energy Trader: Darkness Before Dawn

Energy prices, both oil and natural gas, are at decade lows as markets punish the producers and investors responsible for the current glut.

They’re so far below the cost of production the industry can’t seem to idle its remaining drilling rigs fast enough.

Warm weather in northeast U.S. – a key consumption region – and the economic slowdown in China have only added to the downward pressure.

At this point, it’s hard to imagine how the news could possibly get any worse. That’s certainly true for financial speculators who’ve built up a huge short position in crude futures.

In other words, conditions are almost perfect for a short squeeze as we approach the year end. Aggressive speculators could take advantage via two exchange-traded notes amplifying the daily price moves in the underlying commodities.

As a reminder, these are not portfolio recommendations but rather trading calls. Buy VelocityShares 3x Long Crude Oil ETN (UWTI) near the current price of $4.14 with an eye on holding through the end of the month. The VelocityShares 3x Long Natural Gas ETN (UGAZ) is also a buy near the current price of $1.52.


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