Roger Conrad

Analyst Articles

Shiningbank Income Fund is now part of PrimeWest Income Trust, as the merger received final ratification by unitholders July 10. News stories emphasized the importance of tax pools for post-2011 dividend viability. Read More

Canadian royalty and income trusts generated superlative returns during what was clearly a golden age for the tax-efficient, investor-friendly business structure. Read More

Macquarie's recent takeover showcases how buyouts can ultimately produce profitable payoffs, despite the market's volatility. Even the most volatile trusts in the Portfolios require a little patience before they expand.   Read More

Last month, we witnessed the first management buyout of a Canadian trust: CCS Income Trust (CCR.UN, CCRUF). Read More

Two new trusts are being added to the Dividend Watch List because of operating issues, Rydex has issued a Canadian dollar ETF, and Bay Street has downgraded several trusts that I think are still worth buying. Read More

Between now and 2011, Canadian trusts are expected to continue yielding high returns. Avoiding 2011 taxation on both sides of the border and maximizing a trust's ability to pay big distributions can be as easy as LP conversion. Read More

The Tax Fairness Plan, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty’s levy on income trust distributions at the entity level, now has the force of law. Read More

A lot has been happening with trusts this past month, so I wanted to provide a rundown to update subscribers on how the trusts I cover inside Canadian Edge are faring. Read More