Roger Conrad

Analyst Articles

Canada, unusual among developed countries in the importance of natural resources and raw materials, now ranks with the world’s top five producers of 14 mineral commodities and leads in the production of uranium and potash. Read More

It will take many more months for the US housing market to stabilize and US financials to work off their bad debts, and there will be negative effects throughout the global economy. Read More

Canadian trusts are taking another hit as the US economy slips. However, our northern neighbor is no longer as closely tied to us economically, and there are some relatively unaffected sectors worth noting. Read More

Deal-making in the first half of 2007 was fueled by aggressive lending terms offered by banks, commercial lenders, pension funds and others competing for pieces of the action. Safeguards that lenders usually rely upon were relaxed in the drive to generate fee income. Read More

Canada’s National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE) was created in October 1988 to explore new opportunities to integrate environmental conservation and economic development. In fall 2006, former Environment Minister Rona Ambrose requested an analysis of how Canada could meet 2050 targets to reduce air pollutants and greenhouse gases. The NRTEE released its report yesterday. Read More

There's been numerous trust deals of late in this turbulent market that have handsomely rewarded shareholders. And 2008 is sure to see more deal making. Read More