Roger Conrad

Analyst Articles

We’ll get to the fun stuff in a moment (a week worthy of both a “Scam” and a “Gate”), but because it’s come up largely in the US Democratic presidential nomination battle--and has assumed an even more distinct Canadian flavor in the last several days--let’s talk about the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Read More

With the per-barrel price of crude surpassing USD100, the oil sands and other alternative sources are back in play. Canada is in great shape to weather a US downturn because of interest from new trading partners in its resources. Read More

Full-year 2007 and fourth quarter earnings reports are starting to come in for our recommended Canadian trusts. There are still quite a few more to come because most trusts lack the legions of accountants big corporations have on staff to file quickly. Read More

Canada’s engagement in Afghanistan appears to be receding as a potential election catalyst after Stephane Dion, leader of the official opposition Liberal Party, said his party would support Canada staying in Central Asia for two years longer than scheduled but not in a combat role. Read More

A few trusts are coming off the watch list this month, several will soon be issuing tax information, some have risen in ratings, and all will be holding conference calls in the next two months. Read More

Canada is better positioned against a recession than many economies, as noted by its banks. But it still faces three big challenges: US trade dependency, the value of the Canadian dollar and the credit crunch. Read More

With the possibility of higher natural gas prices, many energy picks in the Portfolio are set to rise. I'm also adding a few new recommendations this month. Read More

Slumping natural gas prices, restrictions on new capital resulting from prospective 2011 taxation, the spiking Canadian dollar and finally the US economic slowdown: Trusts that survived and thrived during those stress tests last year are literally ready for anything 2008 can throw at them. Read More

Members of Parliament returned to Ottawa last week to begin their next session amid a rising sense that the minority Conservative government had lost control of the agenda. Read More