Roger Conrad

Analyst Articles

China, it’s profile already well established by its meteoric economic rise, has been the focus of even more headlines lately because of the recent disastrous earthquake in the Sichuan province as well as the upcoming summer Olympics in Beijing. As we’ve pointed out, China has been a major driver of global demand for vital resources and perhaps the biggest reason that commodity prices have remained in a bull market despite the weak US economy. Read More

Headline-grabbing food shortages have bolstered demand for potash, pushed per-ton prices soaring and the stocks of those companies that produce it to the moon. But another major player sees more value in companies that produce fertilizer components. Read More

It’s striking that, although investors understand the reasons behind the recent strength in metals and commodities (i.e., emerging market demand and problematic supply), they aren’t able to grasp this commodities cycle’s massive potential. The main reason is that few investors are willing to accept the big transformation that’s taking place in several emerging market economies, led by China and India. Read More

We’re on the ground at the Las Vegas Money Show, enjoying unusually mild, La Jolla-like weather in America’s Playground. Several Canadian trusts--including Penn West Energy Trust, Paramount Energy Trust and Enerplus Resources--are exhibiting in the convention hall, and we’ll be tracking down representatives during our stay; we’ll pass along any insights we’re able to glean. Read More

The biggest challenge for Canada in the coming years will be updating infrastructure, particularly in the populous eastern region of the country. But unlike many other growing nations, it has the balance sheet to easily cover the tab. Read More

There have been many ups and downs for Canadian income trusts recently during this volatile market environment. But the key is to ride out the weakness because distributions will rise over time and simultaneously carry share prices higher. Diversifying between sectors will help you achieve that goal. Read More

Canada’s currency is likely to outperform the US dollar in coming years: That’s the prognosis of none other than the richest man in the world, investor Warren Buffett. Read More

We're still riding out the volatility for Canadian income trusts. But only one cut its payout last month, a marked improvement in this market downturn. Evidence of Canadian trusts' rising strength was reflected in a 52-week high for the S&P/Toronto Stock Exchange Composite Trust Index May 6. Read More