Roger Conrad

Analyst Articles

Today’s generation of utility management is looking for ways to meet demand and environmental mandates in ways best calculated to win regulatory support. And there’s nothing like renewable fuels and conservation these days to get the thumbs up for breaking ground--or more important, for earning generous returns on investment. Read More

Today’s generation of utility management is looking for ways to meet demand and environmental mandates in ways best calculated to win regulatory support. And there’s nothing like renewable fuels and conservation these days to get the thumbs up for breaking ground--or more important, for earning generous returns on investment. Read More

What you buy now could well go lower in the days following. But we’re playing for the long-term here, building positions in strong companies geared up to take advantage of what’s still set to be the biggest investment boom in decades. That means being patient and focused on the businesses when everyone else is reacting to exceptionally jagged lines on a price chart. Read More

What you buy now could well go lower in the days following. But we’re playing for the long-term here, building positions in strong companies geared up to take advantage of what’s still set to be the biggest investment boom in decades. That means being patient and focused on the businesses when everyone else is reacting to exceptionally jagged lines on a price chart. Read More

The kind of statements these trusts are making in the face of market adversity is exactly why we want to keep owning them. This is not the time for wholesale liquidation, any more than it is to start doubling down. Stay the course. Read More

The global financial crisis has made balance sheet strength fashionable again when it comes to evaluating companies. It’s what will allow those that have it to survive. Countries that entered this extraordinary period with sound finances are similarly positioned to weather it better and emerge from it stronger relative to not-so-prudent nations. Read More

China’s stimulus, though taking place in the middle of a global financial crisis, includes a lot of plans that were ready to go anyway. China continues with its substantial urbanization plans and its efforts to improve the domestically driven economic development model. Read More

The market continues to play havoc with even the most solid and recession resistant investments. Coupled with investors’ at least temporary love affair with the US dollar, that’s kept our favorite Canadian trusts under selling pressure. Read More

Commodity prices have now rolled back most or all of their gains of recent years. Stocks of resource producers are arguably pricing in a whole lot worse, with some retreating to levels not seen since the last cycle. Read More

China announced a USD586 billion stimulus package Nov. 9, an amount equal to nearly a fifth of the country’s GDP. Global markets reacted with initial glee before turning negative in the face of discomforting economic news. Read More