Roger Conrad

Analyst Articles

Steadily growing, recession-proof yields of 7 percent and up: That’s what the four current MLP Profits Conservative Holdings have in common. This week we’re adding another dividend power play to their ranks. Read More

Together with the five trusts I mentioned in July’s In Brief, we’ve now seen six no-cut conversions. And the market reaction has been infinitely more favorable than it’s been to conversions involving distribution cuts. Read More

Market reaction to no-cut conversions has been highly favorable, particularly compared to conversions with dividend cuts. I detect two clear reasons for this. One is investors like dividends. And while trusts that have cut during their conversions have eventually attracted more growth-focused investors, the cuts have initially triggered a disruptive mass exodus from their shares. Read More

Generous dividends backed by strong and growing underlying business: That’s what I look for in every Canadian Edge Conservative Holding. This month’s High Yield of the Month duo have both strengths in plenty. Read More

In the December 2008, I forecast a reversal of the “negative factors” that made 2008 so painful for Canadian markets. That’s exactly what we’ve seen since early March of this year. Despite a slight pullback over the last month, the Canadian Edge Portfolio is up more than 20 percent for the year, with many holdings doubling and more off the March 9 lows. Read More

Energy is Canada’s chief cash crop. But it’s far from the only natural resource the country has in abundance. At last count, Canada produced more than 60 different metals and minerals and operated more than 180 producing facilities, from peat bogs to quarries and steel mills. Read More

Our basic guidance is to focus on solid businesses with healthy balance sheets that have withstood historic stress since this recession got going in late 2007. We’re interested in companies that generate sustainable dividends. Read More

MLP Profits’ Growth Holdings aren’t wholly immune from economic ups and downs or fluctuations in energy prices. Compensating for that risk, however, are double-digit yields and generally aggressive business plans that offer strong potential for robust dividend growth. And all of our picks are also battle-hardened, tested to withstand all but the worst possible macro conditions. Read More

There are in fact signs that the worst is over. But the worst was unlike anything most of us have ever seen. Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney, in a public speech last week, advised his audience, “Just as you don’t count your chickens before they are hatched, we shouldn't presume that green shoots today guarantee a bumper crop tomorrow. It is a long, anxious time between the appearance of seedlings and the harvest.” Read More

Canada’s official data agency reported Wednesday that the pace of decline in its broad measure of economic activity slowed in May to 0.1 percent, the smallest in a series of nine consecutive declines. And the shift from a 0.9 percent drop in April is the largest month-to-month change in either direction since December 1965. Read More