Roger Conrad

Analyst Articles

A focus on reliable fee-based energy infrastructure, supplemented with commodity price sensitive cash flows with the promise of dramatic upside as economic conditions improve: That’s the hallmark of our Growth Portfolio holdings. Read More

All of our holdings generated sufficient cash flows/earnings to cover their dividends handily in the second quarter. This includes the energy producer trusts. Read More

Over the past several months I’ve focused the High Yield of the Month column almost exclusively on trusts and corporations operating in recession-resistant industries. One of this month's picks takes us a little further out on the risk spectrum for the first time in a while. Read More

Conditions are improving, but this is no time to let down our guard. Rather, we need to continue to subject our holdings to the same discipline we’ve employed since this recession/bear market began more than two years ago. Read More

The ability to maintain distributions after converting to a corporation is the ultimate test of strength for a trust’s underlying business. Only the exceptional have thus far been able to accomplish the feat. Read More

Canadian Edge Portfolio picks are up an average of 34.3 percent thus far in 2009. That’s against a 17 percent gain for the broad-based S&P/Toronto Stock Exchange Income Trust Index. Read More

Two years into one of the worst recessions in US history, the four primary US propane pure-play MLPs are all holding up well. There have been zero distribution cuts, and three of the four have continued to increase their payouts at least once over the past year. Read More

The results of the Bank of Canada’s (BoC) Summer 2009 Business Outlook Survey and Second Quarter 2009 Senior Loan Officer Survey, coupled with Statistics Canada’s June 2009 Labour Force Survey and the results of the BoC’s term purchase and resale agreement (PRA) auction on Monday, suggest a durable foundation for stable consumer demand is being laid. Read More