Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce is the Chief Investment Strategist of Personal Finance, our flagship publication, and manages two trading services, PF Pro and Mayhem Trader. He began his career as a stockbroker in 1983 and over the years has managed client investment portfolios for major banks, brokerage firms, and investment advisors. Jim earned a BA from The College of William & Mary and the CFP designation from the College of Financial Planning.

Analyst Articles

Perhaps the single biggest advantage to owning tech stocks is their ability to quickly exceed earnings expectations due to the speed at which consumer demand for superior products can accelerate. Case in point is Western Digital Corp. (Nasdaq: WDC), which earlier this year was roundly criticized for the price it… Read More

Like most people, I listen to music while on the treadmill at the gym. What I don’t enjoy is untangling the knot of headphone cords that somehow forms during the five minute walk from my house to the YMCA.It’s not a major aggravation, but I have considered wireless headphones to… Read More

TRADE ALERTTRADE INSTRUCTIONSDate: September 7, 2016Name: Cal-Maine FoodsSymbol: CALMType: OpenLimit: Buy below $45TRADE TARGETSHolding Period: 183 daysAverage Return: 11.1%Annualized Return: 22.3%TRADE RATIONALECal-Maine Foods is the largest egg producers and marketer in the U.S. It sells its eggs to grocery store chains and food distributors including major brands such as Egg-Lands… Read More

Shares of cancer immunotherapy company Juno Therapeutics (JUNO) fell nearly 10% last Wednesday after rival drug manufacturer Novartis announced it is reorganizing its operations by consolidating its cell and gene therapy unit so that it is no longer a separate division. Although Novartis issued a press release reaffirming its commitment… Read More

For a company built around the idea of democratizing the cost of travel, The Priceline Group (PCLN) doesn’t like democracy too much when it comes to shareholders. And it also doesn’t want to pay dividends. Not only does it sport the second highest share price of all companies in the… Read More

Earlier this month I recommended buying a put option on Autodesk (NSDQ: ADSK) on the belief that it was fully valued and ripe for a fall heading into last week’s earnings announcement. At the time of that article (August 18th) ADSK stock was priced at $63, which equated to… Read More