ID Analysts

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Analyst Articles

Rather than Congress moving stalled budget talks to committee, as we had expected last week, the two sides remain intractable. The two camps are using the media and social networking to snipe at each other rather than actually sitting down to govern. Neither side is willing to blink in this… Read More

As we indicated in yesterday’s alert, our market indicators are somewhat negative at the moment. Although they are not expecting a major pullback from current levels, they are signaling that stocks aren’t likely to advance due to the fiscal tightening occurring because of the shutdown and the greater threat from… Read More

Sell to close the Coach (COH) January 52.50 call option, at the market. Shares of Coach (COH) have performed well since we added it several weeks ago in light of the overall market’s action. Still, the stock has failed to move higher and we’ve lost some time value on… Read More

The federal government is now in its fourth day of minimal functionality. According to research firm IHS Global Insight, each week of the partial shutdown will cost about $1.6 billion in GDP. The hundreds of thousands of government workers and contractors are the ones most immediately affected by lost or… Read More

With the U.S. government partially closed today, we can’t help but recall the wit of Mark Twain: “Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.” Congress is finally moving the budget talks to committee so we’re hopeful for a speedy end… Read More

We’re holding one long option position, the January 52.50 Coach (COH) call option, which is a buy for new clients. The stock has held up better than the overall market since we added the position and still appears ready to close the gap in the price chart up above $57… Read More

“Shutdown” has replaced “tapering” as the word du jour. If Congress is unable to agree on a continuing resolution by next Monday to temporarily fund the federal government, the government will shut down—more literally, activity will be reduced to the essentials—until the Washington gridlock breaks. In the event of a… Read More

The Federal Reserve caught many market participants off guard last week when it opted to maintain its pace of bond buying at $85 million a month. Most investors had expected at least a modest reduction in the size of those purchases. Stocks initially cheered the news, driving the major averages… Read More

One position we did take was to buy the January 52.50 Coach (COH) call option. Coach is an inexpensive stock and we’re holding an in-the-money option to further limit risk. We see the stock climbing by at least several points to fill the gap in its price chart above $57… Read More

Buy to open the Coach (COH) January 52.50 call option, using a limit order set at $5.25. The markets are cheering the Federal Reserve’s decision to maintain its current level of quantitative easing. The continued liquidity injections should boost consumer confidence and aid in the recovery. One stock that… Read More