ID Analysts

Our seasoned team of analysts continually monitors investment opportunities around the world, to provide investors with the widest possible array of money-making ideas.

Analyst Articles

Americans kicked off the traditional start to summer this weekend with Memorial Day parades and barbeques. They return to work today to learn of another optimistic sign that the U.S. economy is bouncing back from its earlier weather-related swoon. But there may be less here than meets the eye. April… Read More

So here we again have no inclination to put on new trades for the time being. But sit tight, chances are a trading opportunity or two will develop shortly. Our remaining positions are junior mining stocks held for their long-term potential. All three are rated buys for new clients: Gabriel… Read More

This week, we review why it makes sense to follow one of the best stock pickers of our time and why we have repeatedly followed his lead. We also profile our lates Brain Trust Profit pick from the stock guru's portfolio. The company is a developer of therapies to treat our four-legged friends. If approved, these drugs will be first-in-class in the pet market. Read More

Stock trading has been remarkably lacking in volatility this year. Since the end of February, for instance, the S&P 500 has bounded in a very tight range of just 4 percent, peak to trough, and gone essentially nowhere in the process. Any time the index has rallied toward 1900 it… Read More

We closed out our iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond (TLT) August 108 call option last Thursday for a quick 27 percent gain after bonds found support and as our indicator for bonds weakened from a bullish stance to neutral. Our remaining positions are junior mining stocks held for their long-term… Read More

The S&P 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the widely followed U.S. large-cap stock indexes, both set new record highs earlier this week. Yet beneath the surface, there are reasons to be cautious. For one, the total trading volume of listed U.S. stocks as the indexes made their highs… Read More

We are selling Energy XXI (EXXI). We are using the cash proceeds to buy an approximate 4 percent position in Kindred Biosciences (KIN). Richard Perry’s recently filed quarterly statement indicates that he has sold his entire stake in Energy XXI (EXXI). We are therefore following suit. EXXI has been… Read More

Sell to close the iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond (TLT) August 108 call option at the market. Bonds have staged a nice rally in the past week, handing us a healthy profit on our call option trade. Although my bond indicator is still somewhat positive, predicting yields will drop… Read More

Experts in many fields employ simple, time-proven techniques to distinguish something of real quality from a flawed “wanna-be,” to separate the genuine thing from a cheap chaff imitation. Think of gemstones. To the naked eye two similarly cut stones might appear much the same, but put them under a jeweler’s… Read More

As for where stocks are headed short term, our chief stock market indicator (comprised of numerous variables, and employing cutting-edge math developed in conjunction with some of the world’s very best mathematicians), though not particularly bearish also doesn’t predict stocks will travel much beyond where they stand at the moment. Read More