ID Analysts

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Analyst Articles

Gold has now reached a five-year low, having fallen under the $1,100 mark. The rout intensified on Monday as some curious trading activity rattled markets. In the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE), a mystery party (or parties) dumped roughly five tons of gold in a matter of seconds, forcing the gold… Read More

The recommended iPath Bloomberg Copper Subindex Total Return ETN (JJC) Dec 36 call option is deep underwater, but with five months to the expiration date there’s still a chance that the option could come back. Commodity prices have proven capable of moving much higher, or lower, in a short amount… Read More

Average Annualized Return Per Closed Trade: 30.7% Average Return Per Closed Trade: 21.3% Average Holding Period: 263 days Despite some defections from the ruling Syriza party, the Greek parliament has swiftly and overwhelmingly approved certain austerity measures required by the tentative agreement reached with… Read More

With nowhere else to turn, Greece reluctantly capitulated and agreed to a third bailout with strict austerity requirements. Angered by months of acrimonious negotiations and the sudden referendum, the Europeans demand that Athens approve the package no later than today. As we write this update, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras… Read More

Our indicators have not changed enough to warrant making a trade at this time, but could change quickly. Stay tuned. The recommended positions are still recommended at this time. These include the call options: iPath Bloomberg Copper Subindex Total Return ETN (JJC) Dec 36 call, SPDR Gold Shares (GLD) Dec… Read More

Average Annualized Return Per Closed Trade: 30.7% Average Return Per Closed Trade: 21.3% Average Holding Period: 263 days Lately China’s stock market volatility and the Greece mess have captured the attention of U.S. investors, to say the least. In China, before… Read More

Due to developments in Greece and China, U.S. stocks are down more than 1.6 percent on a day that the New York Stock Exchange suspended floor trading for three hours due to technical problems. Other market centers such as the fully-electronic NYSE Arca weren’t affected. NYSE insists that the outage… Read More

Our stock and precious metals indicators remain positive, and the bond indicator remains negative. The recent developments have negatively impacted my call options. The long-dated natures of the options, however, mean that we have some time for the situation to turn in our favor and we think that once there… Read More

Average Annualized Return Per Closed Trade: 30.7% Average Return Per Closed Trade: 21.3% Average Holding Period: 263 days Greece and its international creditors broke off talks to extend Greece’s lifeline after Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras unilaterally called for a July 5 referendum, to ask… Read More

The bailout agreement extended last February between Greece and its international creditors expired yesterday. Having failed to obtain international financial help to pay a scheduled €1.6 billion payment to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Greece now stands effectively in default. Athens has implemented capital controls, including bank closure to prevent… Read More