ID Analysts

Our seasoned team of analysts continually monitors investment opportunities around the world, to provide investors with the widest possible array of money-making ideas.

Analyst Articles

Our stock indicator remains bullish. Today we recommend buying the IBM (IBM) January 150 call option. The stock has certainly not been a market favorite due to IBM's perceived weak future growth trajectory. However, we like what the company is doing in cyber security and big data,… Read More

Sell to close the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) March 189 call option Our leveraged bet on stocks, based on our stock indicator’s bullish signal, has worked well. The S&P 500 is on its way to its fifth consecutive daily gain, up about 5 percent during the… Read More

Average Annualized Return Per Closed Trade: 29.7% Average Return Per Closed Trade: 22.5% Average Holding Period: 285 days The Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) this morning unveiled weak labor figures for September. The BLS said that total nonfarm payroll employment increased by… Read More

U.S. stocks rallied today after a poor start to the week. After the Fed’s mid-month inaction vis-à-vis interest rates and its warning about overseas economic malaise, the S&P 500, the widely-followed broad-market index, fell more than 5 percent in less than two weeks. Professional investors tend to reposition their portfolios… Read More

Trade Positions: Yesterday we recommended purchasing the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) March 189 call option and rolling over the SPDR Gold Shares (GLD) December 112 call into a longer-dated option, the GLD March 109 call. Our stock and gold indicators are both positive right now, though the former’s bullish… Read More

Buy to open the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) March 189 call option Sell to close the SPDR Gold Shares (GLD) December 112 call option, and buy to open the SPDR Gold Shares (GLD) March 109 call option We noted in the weekly issue last week that should… Read More

Average Annualized Return Per Closed Trade: 29.7% Average Return Per Closed Trade: 22.5% Average Holding Period: 285 days U.S. stocks booked their second consecutive weekly decline as they struggled to overcome global-growth concerns. The Federal Reserve’s decision to delay raising interest rates despite their… Read More

No interest rate change. That’s the decision announced by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) last Thursday afternoon. All but one of the ten committee members who voted agreed to keep the federal funds rate at its current rock-bottom level. The lone dissenter, Jeffrey Lacker, head of the Richmond branch… Read More

Our indicators still flash mildly bullish signals, suggesting that despite the recent spike in volatility, the decline in stock prices is more likely a correction than the opening to a crash. If the S&P 500 were to dip below its recent low, we would likely recommend buying a call option… Read More

The long-awaited Federal Open Market Committee meeting takes place today and tomorrow. The Fed will announce its policy decision tomorrow afternoon. The key question of concern to investors, of course: whether or not Janet Yellen and her lieutenants will finally raise the federal funds rate, the overnight lending rate banks… Read More