ID Analysts

Our seasoned team of analysts continually monitors investment opportunities around the world, to provide investors with the widest possible array of money-making ideas.

Analyst Articles

SELL to CLOSE your December 25 Call Option on TEVA (TVQ+LE, 4.00 at the market)  We advise closing out your long-standing trade in TEVA Pharmaceutical (TEVA, 28.98) today. While we like the stock very much, the shares were boosted yesterday by the erroneous takeover report. Read More

BUY to Open March 45 Newmont Mining NEM Call Option (NEM+CI, at 3.80 or lower)  We recommend the purchase of a call option on the Newmont Mining Corp. (NEM, 45.29), a company engaged in gold exploration and gold production worldwide.  We expect the dollar to continue to weaken and gold prices to rise as a result. Read More

Sell to Close your WebEx December 22.50 Put option (UWB + XX, 0.10) at the market   WebEx Communications (WEBX, $24.95), continues to trade higher. While the stock is still under competitive pressure, the time is running out on our option position.   Read More

BUY to CLOSE KO Feb 40 Put (KO+NH, 1.00) at 1.05 or below The Coca-Cola (KO, 40.41) Put option now has a gain of about 60% on today's move in the stock price. We recommend taking the profit today by closing out your position.  Read More

 Buy the February 128 Russell 2000 iShares call option (DIW + BX, $4.80) for $5.15 or less.  Small stocks have been on a tear of late and all signs point to further gains in the coming weeks. The smaller companies have been outperforming large caps in the recent rally.  Read More

Sell to Close your January 75 Call Option on AGN (AGN+AO, 4.10 at the market)  The trade we recommended yesterday is paying off. The stock moved up today on more indications that Allergan may not be involved at all in the incident.  Read More

BUY to Open January 75 Call Option on AGN (AGN+AO, limit $3.25 or below) The stock of Allergan (AGN, 73.65) is weak today after a yesterday's report that a couple at a Florida health clinic was hospitalized with botulism.  Read More

Buy to close The Learning Tree (LTRE, $14.48) for a 5 percent loss on the trade.  Last week The Learning Tree failed to meet Wall Street expectations for its fourth-quarter results, but their numbers were better than we had anticipated.  Read More

Sell to Open KO Feb 40 Put (KO+NH, 1.65) at 1.45 or better  We advise aggressive traders to take a leveraged position in Coca Cola Company (KO, 39.56) since it will be a prime beneficiary of the falling dollar.  Read More

SELL TO CLOSE January 35 RIG CALL option (RIG+AG, 5.10, at the market) We recommended the purchase of a call option on Transocean Inc. less than a month ago. Since then, the stock has made a new high and we recommend closing out your position with a gain of about 90%.  Read More