ID Analysts

Our seasoned team of analysts continually monitors investment opportunities around the world, to provide investors with the widest possible array of money-making ideas.

Analyst Articles

On Monday we established a new position by selling the Goldman Sachs Semiconductor iShares November 55 Put Option (IGW+WK, $5.60 or better). The selling of semiconductor stocks has been, in our view, very myopic. Investors have focused on softness in the domestic market while ignoring strong demand from abroad, most… Read More

Image by Getty Images via Daylife Weekly Update  Oil has once again taken center stage in the eyes of investors, with the price of light sweet crude on the NYMEX having climbed back toward $48 a barrel. Weather-related production woes, continuing problems for Russia’s… Read More

Last week we added a margined position in Radisys (RSYS, $12.49). The company’s embedded software and hardware is used in a wide array of information technology and it’s enjoying strong growth across its business lines. The stock has been cut in half in recent months, along with most other tech… Read More

Image by Getty Images via Daylife Weekly Update  Hurricane Ivan is bearing down on the Gulf coast states and is threatening to do serious damage there. Half a continent away, the storm that hit traders the stock exchanges this summer appears to have passed. … Read More

Our position in the Electronic Arts October 50 call option (EZQ+JJ, $1.45) has lost some ground in the past week but remains a buy at a limit of $1.70 or better. ERTS has announced plans to jump into the market for games designed for mobile phones. While it will be… Read More

Image via Wikipedia Weekly Update  The stock market continues to dance to oil’s tune. And it likes what it hears from the commodities market, while turning a deaf ear on reduced expectations from several important technology companies.  Crude Oil prices fell below $43 a barrel… Read More

We closed out our January 70 Oil Service HOLDRS call option (OIH+AN, $8.40) for a profit of 90 percent in just over two weeks. Crude oil prices remain strong and the oil service companies have gained ground, aided in part to bullish articles in the press and… Read More

Image by Getty Images via DaylifeStock market volume this week has been light, as expected, with many traders having left New York to avoid the influx of GOP convention-goers. Once the Republican’s quadrennial gab fest is over, trading will no doubt pick up again.Despite… Read More

Last week we bought back the Electronic Arts September 50 put option we had previously sold. Our gain on the trade was 39% in less than a month. While we remain bullish on Electronic Arts for the long term, the market’s lack of direction of late suggested that the prudent… Read More

Image via Wikipedia If there’s one thing for sure in this business, it’s that markets hate uncertainty. And in most investor’s minds these days there’s no lack of uncertainty.  With the Presidential election now less than 70 days away its outcome is more in doubt… Read More