ID Analysts

Our seasoned team of analysts continually monitors investment opportunities around the world, to provide investors with the widest possible array of money-making ideas.

Analyst Articles

Earlier today we sent out a note to buy the Maytag July 15 Put option (MYG+SC) at $1.50 or less. You may recall our profitable put option trade on the ailing Maytag last January. The company is perhaps worse off today, but the stock is up on a… Read More

Image by Getty Images via Daylife Weekly Update  We’ve been quite active this week, so let’s get right to it.  There was much talk last week of $105 a barrel oil. Now it seems analysts are falling over each other in the process of… Read More

Recapping our trades of the past week, this morning we closed out our July 90 Oil Service Holders call option for a profit of more than 53 percent in just one week. On Monday we also sold our Simon Property Group July 60 put for a healthy 40 percent… Read More

Image via Wikipedia Weekly Update  Oil continues to roil the markets, sending stock prices lower one day and higher the next. Last week a report out of a prominent Wall Street house (with a substantial commodities trading business) opined on crude oil entering a bull… Read More

Earlier today we sent out a note telling you to buy the July 90 Oil Service Holders call option (OIH+GR) below $7.40. See below for more on our current oil-related trades.  Last week we added the May 123 Russell 2000 iShares put option (DIW+QS) to our stable of trades. Small… Read More

Image by Getty Images via Daylife Weekly Update  The only news" on Amylin isn’t news at all. The other day a trade publication came out with a story that discussed possible safety concerns of Symlin, namely: low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) as a possible side… Read More

Last week the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved our biotech company Amylin Pharmaceutical’s (AMLN) Symlin injection for use in conjunction with insulin to stabilize blood-sugar levels in patients with Type I and Type II diabetes. The stock soared on the news before giving back much of its gains. The… Read More

Image by Getty Images via Daylife Weekly Update  When the Fed speaks, the markets listen. Yesterday, the Federal Reserve raised short-term interest rates another quarter point. And it maintained that it would continue to increase rates at a-measured" pace (meaning in quarter point increments). Read More

We went back to the oil patch and to a familiar name for our latest trade. We’re long the May 70 Schlumberger call option (SLB+EN). With oil at $56 a barrel and demand for black gold outstripping supply, the oilfield services company will enjoy strong growth in the quarters ahead. Read More

Image via Wikipedia Weekly Update  The FDA is also expected to rule on the Amylin’s other diabetes drug, Exenatide, by May 1. Exenatide is potentially a much bigger prize for Amylin. That’s because in clinical trials it not only lowered patients’ blood sugar levels when… Read More