ID Analysts

Our seasoned team of analysts continually monitors investment opportunities around the world, to provide investors with the widest possible array of money-making ideas.

Analyst Articles

Image by Kenn Wilson via Flickr Volume 3, Number 17  April 26, 2006  Happy Tax Freedom Day! Yes, today’s the first day of the year the average working stiff isn’t slogging off to the salt mines only to hand over everything he earns to Uncle… Read More

This morning we sold our Yahoo April 32.50 Yahoo call option, taking advantage of the nice rise in the stock following yesterday’s good earnings report out of the company. Unfortunately, the move wasn’t enough to offset the loss of time value we experienced while holding the option. Our official loss… Read More

Image via Wikipedia Volume 3, Number 16  April 19, 2006  Champagne corks were popping in New York yesterday after the release of the Fed’s Federal Open Market Committee’s minutes from its late March meeting. The notes indicated that the majority of Fed’s decision-making board believes… Read More

We closed out our Transocean August 80 call option (RIG + HP) for a gain of 22 percent in less than two weeks. After a strong run up in recent weeks the energy stocks are consolidating their gains. This should give us another chance to buy again shortly at lower… Read More

Image by jimgris via Flickr Volume 3, Number 15  April 12, 2006  Stocks continue to demonstrate remarkable resilience in the face of what could be perceived as bad news, most notably mounting geopolitical tensions and rising commodity prices, especially crude oil. And a read of… Read More

We’ve had a fair amount of turnover in our holdings in the past week. Monday we added Sun Microsystems (SUNW). The server company is staging an impressive turnaround after several years of decline. And with the stock having established itself above $5 a share it’s likely to enjoy renewed buying… Read More

Image by shij13 via Flickr Volume 3, Number 14  April 5, 2006  The stock market has shrugged off inflation worries so far this year but the bond market is telling a somewhat different story. The fall in prices (and rise in yields) is attributable at… Read More

This morning we closed out our Advanced Micro Devices July 35 put option for a quick gain of 15 percent. The stock looks like it will bounce here, so we should get another chance to trade it again shortly. We’ll keep you posted.  Opposite of AMD stands Intel (INTC). Earlier… Read More

Image by Getty Images via Daylife Volume 3, Number 13  March 29, 2006  "One and done" is now in doubt. The Federal Reserve raised short-term interest rates for the 15th consecutive time yesterday, as expected. But the markets were initially disappointed with the language… Read More

This morning we took advantage of the jump in several important drug stocks to take profits in the Merrill Lynch Pharmaceutical HOLDRs Trust May 70 call option (PPH + EN), with a 16 percent gain in seven weeks. We like the group but they need to retrench in the short… Read More