ID Analysts

Our seasoned team of analysts continually monitors investment opportunities around the world, to provide investors with the widest possible array of money-making ideas.

Analyst Articles

Image via Wikipedia Volume 3, Number 47  November 22, 2006  Although a few of our trades have been turkeys lately, on balance there’s plenty to be thankful for among our Aggressive Trader positions. Of course we’re not ones to rest on our laurels: We’re constantly… Read More

We remain net long in our positions. Yesterday we opened a new trade in a drug stock, this time going with the Novartis January 60 call option (NVS + AL). Drug stocks have been hammered in recent sessions on fears that Congress will legislate reduced prices for pharmaceuticals. Before that… Read More

Image via Wikipedia Volume 3, Number 46  November 15, 2006  Looking good. That’s perhaps the best way to sum up the stock market’s outlook right now. We’re entering a period of seasonal strength, valuations are attractive and earnings are strong (albeit slowing from very high… Read More

We made just one trade in the last week, adding the Best Buy January 55 put option (BBY + MK) on Thursday. Use a limit order to pay no than $4.60 per contract if you’ve yet to establish this position. The stock is essentially priced for perfection on expectations for… Read More

Image via Wikipedia Volume 3, Number 45  November 8, 2006  Thank goodness the 2006 elections are now behind us. Now we can get on with the 2008 Presidential Election campaign season, which begins today. All kidding aside, from a trading perspective it makes little difference… Read More

In the meantime, the only change to our positions in the past week was today’s profit taking in our December 127.50 Philadelphia Gold and Silver Index call option (SWO + LF) and December 35 Market Vectors Gold Miners ETF (GDX + LI) positions. With gold and gold stocks bumping… Read More

Image by thinkpanama via Flickr Volume 3, Number 44  November 1, 2006  Mark Twain got it wrong, at least this time around: October wasn’t a peculiarly dangerous month to speculate in stocks. In fact, it was a downright good month for investors. And minor corrections… Read More

As for our trades in the past week, the expired Transocean (RIG) October call option we wrote was replaced with a new covered call, this time the Transocean January 75 call option (RIG + AO). The stock and the call are up along with energy prices today, so don’t act… Read More

Image via Wikipedia Volume 3, Number 43  October 25, 2006  There’s an old chestnut on Wall Street that the most bullish thing the market can do is make new highs. And lately the market has quietly been telegraphing an enthusiastic message. Stocks have tacked on… Read More

Recapping our trades, we sold our Intel October 20 call for the smallest of gains ahead of its quarterly earnings announcement and just prior to the option’s expiration. Considering the strong comeback the stock staged in recent months we consider the end result of the trade a victory. We also… Read More