ID Analysts

Our seasoned team of analysts continually monitors investment opportunities around the world, to provide investors with the widest possible array of money-making ideas.

Analyst Articles

Image by Getty Images via Daylife Volume 4, Number 33  August 15, 2007  It’s not the least bit odd to see a group of arrogant Wall Street heavy hitters finding themselves in hot water due to holding big investments in poorly understood investments that… Read More

Take last week’s big selloff in oil-related stocks. We saw it as an opportunity, taking advantage of it last Friday by adding a new position on the sector. We recommended buying a call on our old friend National Oilwell Varco (NOV). The stock seemed oversold – and has since rebounded sharply. Read More

Image via Wikipedia Volume 4, Number 32  August 8, 2007  Even though last week’s market was characterized by dramatic price swings and sharply increased volatility, we are confident that… Read More

This morning we quit our position in the Iron Mountain October 25 put option (IRM + VE) at a modest loss following the company’s slightly better-than-expected earnings report. We quickly added another short to replace it, buying the Ciena October 35 put option (EUQ + VG). It’s a buy up… Read More

Image by mars_discovery_district via Flickr Volume 4, Number 31  August 1, 2007  In recent weeks we’ve been voicing our belief that stocks were ready to enter a trading range. After last week’s action we’re more convinced than ever that’s where we find ourselves today. Declines… Read More

We had a quartet of profitable closeouts in the past week. The strong run-up in gold and gold shares led us to exit the September 40 Market Vectors Gold Mining ETF call option on Thursday for a gain of 44 percent in just over two months. We’ll be looking for… Read More

Image via Wikipedia Volume 4, Number 30  July 25, 2007  There’s no change in our near-term outlook for stocks: Most likely we’ve entered a trading range that could last for a while.  Frankly, this is a tough market to gauge. Yesterday’s trading was unusual, not… Read More

Most vulnerable in the energy sector are the natural gas plays, which have had to contend with mild temperatures this year. That’s why we purchased the EnCana October 60 put option (ECA + VL) yesterday. It remains a buy with a limit order at $2.25.  We’re hedging our bets in… Read More

Image by Getty Images via Daylife Volume 4, Number 29  July 18, 2007  Break out the party hats and start singing-Happy Birthday." Last Friday The Aggressive Trader celebrated its third birthday. And, coincidentally, we closed out our 200th trade the same day. Rest assured… Read More

This past week saw a number of positive developments among our positions. We snared a quick 31-percent, two-week gain in the Apache October 75 call option. And our Hess August 60 call option came roaring back in the last two weeks, turning what had become a big loss into a… Read More