ID Analysts

Our seasoned team of analysts continually monitors investment opportunities around the world, to provide investors with the widest possible array of money-making ideas.

Analyst Articles

Image by Getty Images via Daylife Volume 5, Number 47  November 19, 2008  This is a market that must be driving pure technicians absolutely crazy. No sooner does it look like stocks are about to break one way or another and the trend reverses. Read More

New clients can pick up the SPDR Gold Shares Trust January 79 call option (GVD + AA) at the market. If you’re already holding the option, stick with it. We’re also still recommending the longer-dated Barrick Gold April 25 call option (ABX + DE). It’s a buy for new clients… Read More

Image via Wikipedia Volume 5, Number 46  November 12, 2008  Trying to time the stock market is never an easy task. It’s especially difficult in times like these where there’s no clear leadership and fear frequently rules the day. As such, we’ve chosen to opt… Read More

Earlier today we closed out our Harman December 15 put option (HAR + XC) for a 75 percent loss. Rather than immediately walking away from the trade after the company reported its quarterly results, we’ve held on a bit longer due to the horrendous numbers we were seeing from the… Read More

Image by mars_discovery_district via Flickr Volume 5, Number 45  November 5, 2008  Last week we pointed out that stocks were poised to rally strongly with just a slight nudge. Since then, share prices have moved up nicely, thanks to an incremental decline in short-term interest… Read More

We’ve made several changes among our holdings since the last update. Yesterday we sold the Goldcorp January 35 call option (GG +AG), salvaging only a tiny sliver of our original investment. In its place we purchased Goldcorp (GG) stock, removing the time element from the trade. As the credit situation… Read More

Image by Getty Images via Daylife Volume 5, Number 44  October 29, 2008  As it has so many times in recent months, the market caught many investors off guard yesterday in a big way. The latest reading on consumer confidence dropped to its lowest… Read More

Our sole long put position, the Tiffany & Co. January 30 put option (TIF + MF), was closed out, netting us a 26 percent gain in 13 days. Our Exelon October 90 call option (EXC + JR), meanwhile, has expired worthless.  We added just one new position since our last… Read More

Image by jpellgen via Flickr Volume 5, Number 43  October 22, 2008  Last week we indicated that the market has likely put in a bottom. That view has only strengthened this week. We’re getting a retest of the lows now, and the next 10 percent… Read More

We closed out two trades for losses this week, taking advantage of the volatility. We sold the Western Digital January 25 call option (WDC + AE) for a 75 percent decline and the Raytheon January 60 call option (RTN + AL) for a 76 percent loss.In exchange, we’ll forego any… Read More