ID Analysts

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Analyst Articles

Image via WikipediaStocks scored one of their best days ever yesterday (capping their biggest 10-day rally since 1938). The impetus for the rally was details on the Treasury Department’s plan to relieve troubled banks of their toxic assets. There were no surprises with the details,… Read More

 This morning we rolled over our Transocean (RIG) position, selling the Transocean May 75 call option (RIG + EO) at a steep loss, but replacing it with the Transocean August 65 call option (RKJ + HM), which is a much more worthwhile option at this time. If you’re a new… Read More

We added a bearish position earlier today, and we may add others as the market runs out of steam, or if it starts to break down again. For now, you can still buy to open the SanDisk (SNDK) July 10 put option (SWQ + SB) with a limit set $2.50 per contract. Our other bearish bet is the Marriot International July 15 put option (MAR + SC). Given our negative outlook we’re sticking with this option and rate it a buy for new clients up to $2.95 per contract. Our longs remain quite selective. There are no “sure bets” in this business, but we’d be hard pressed to come up with better long trades at this juncture than gold-related positions. We’ve got two plays on in this category, the Kinross Gold August 15 call (KGC + HC), which is a buy for new clients up to $3.05 and long position on Gabriel Resources (GBU.TO) stock, which we recommend buying now with a longer-term time horizon in mind. A more conservative commodity play is the covered call on Mosaic (MOS); long the stock/short the Mosaic June 50 call option (MOS+FJ). New clients unfamiliar with such trades should first buy the stock, then for every 100 shares owned sell to open one call. The option you sell will lower your cost basis in the stock. And while you upside is limited, the trade still offers good return potential. Pulte Homes (PHM) has snapped back nicely in recent sessions, with the stock up some 20 percent from its recent lows. We’re downgrading the stock to a hold for now. Our June 55 FPL Group call option (FPL + FK) has also found some traction lately. It’s a buy at its current price for new clients. We like what we’re seeing in the oil trading pits, with the near-term futures contract approaching 48.50 a barrel. But the Transocean May 75 call option (RIG + EO) is so far out of the money we can only rate the position a hold. Next regularly scheduled issue, Tuesday, March 24. RESULTS SINCE AGGRESSIVE TRADER’S INCEPTION Read More

Image by fsgm via FlickrThe annual St. Patrick’s Day parade is making its way up Fifth Avenue by our office here in Manhattan today and there’s no lack of people in the crowd wearing green. The stock market has also seen its share of green… Read More

Buy to open the SanDisk (SNDK) July 10 put option (SWQ + SB). Set a limit order to pay no more than $2.50 per contract. SanDisk (SNDK), the NAND-based flash storage card products company, has rallied along with the market and on rumors that the company might be acquired by the likes of Samsung. While the pair have business dealings together, we think those rumors are unfounded. Read More

Image by Getty Images via DaylifeIn an interview yesterday Warren Buffett stated what we all knew: the economy “has fallen off a cliff” and is unlikely to turn around soon. America’s richest man went on to speculate that efforts to stimulate a recovery may… Read More

Yesterday we did just that, selling our Best Buy June (BBY) 27.50 put option (BBY + RS) for a 24 percent gain in just a week. Likewise, on Friday we sold our JPMorgan Chase April 20 put option (JSA + PD) for a 27 percent gain in two weeks.  … Read More