ID Analysts

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Analyst Articles

Jittery investors are wanting and waiting for bold action in Europe. Late last week, Italy’s Prime Minister Mario Monti warned that without a decisive plan from EU leaders when they gather this week it would trigger “progressively greater speculative attacks” on Europe’s weaker economies, with dire consequences for the union. Read More

This morning we added two put option positions, buying the Autodesk (ADSK) October 33 put option with a limit order set at $3.30 per contract and the Whirlpool (WHR) September 55 put option using a limit order to pay no more than $5.20 per contract. Our other… Read More

Buy to open the Autodesk (ADSK) October 33 put option. Use a limit order to pay no more than $3.30 per contract. Also buy to open the Whirlpool (WHR) September 55 put option. Use a limit order to pay no more than $5.20 per contract. The market’s… Read More

Buy to open the Cisco Systems (CSCO) September 17 call option. Use a limit order to pay no more than $0.97 per contract. Networking giant Cisco Systems (CSCO) is pausing today (along with the rest of the market), but should quickly resume its rebound off the… Read More

The pro-austerity conservatives prevailed in last weekend’s Greek election and are reportedly close to forming a coalition government that will abide by the previously agreed to terms in the EU bailout. With that news behind them, traders are once again focusing on the bigger issue of Spain. Spanish sovereign bond… Read More

With a near-term cautious outlook this morning we closed out the SanDisk (SNDK) October 36 call option for a 21 percent gain in one week. We also closed the Red Hat (RHT) September 55 put option, taking a loss of roughly the same size. Although it’s off… Read More

Sell to close the SanDisk (SNDK) October 36 call option at the market. Also sell to close the Red Hat (RHT) September 55 put option, at the market. Stocks are coming into a congestion area around 1360 on the S&P 500, which could prove to be… Read More