ID Analysts

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Analyst Articles

Sell to close the Cirrus Logic (CRUS) March 28 call option, at the market. Also sell to close the Whirlpool (WHR) March 97.50 put option, at the market. Investors are cheering Washington’s last-minute moves to avoid the fiscal cliff, even if the measures simply put off the problems for… Read More

Stocks are largely hovering near the flat line today, in the final session, indeed the final day of 2012. Investors’ attention remains riveted on the game show in Washington where politicians are attempting to cobble together a last-minute deal to keep from going over the fiscal cliff. If no deal… Read More

For now, we’re holding just a few positions. On the short side, the Whirlpool (WHR) Whirlpool March 97.50 put option remains a buy at its current price. The stock is hovering near the $100 level, but the volume in the stock is drying up beyond just what would be expected… Read More

The sense of urgency is clear: President Obama cut his Christmas vacation short to return to Washington, The Senate is already back in session, and The House of Representatives is going to convene on Sunday to try to come up with something before the fiscal cliff deadline. While President Obama… Read More

Politics continue to trump fundamentals in the markets this week. Our indictors point to stocks having an upward bias heading towards January. Add in bullish seasonal factors and that would suggest decent gains are in store in the next couple of weeks. Nevertheless, Congress adjourned last week after making no… Read More

Gold had another rough week last week, due in part to continued year-end tax selling but also because of forced selling by a noted hedge fund manager faced with redemptions. The decline has been remarkably similar to the selling we saw late last year. If we continue to follow that… Read More

All this past week, the U.S. stocks have taken their cues from Washington. The daily swings have clearly been correlated with news reports on fiscal cliff progress or lack thereof, with equities flying on the days when progress was reportedly being made, and selling off on the days like today. Read More

The Federal Reserve followed the expected script last week by announcing plans to replace its expiring Operation Twist program with additional open-ended bond buying of $45 billion a month. Stock investors took the news in stride and after initially moving higher the air slowly came out of equity prices into… Read More

We continue to rate as buys our small cap gold plays, Gabriel Resources (GBU.TO, GBRRF) and NovaGold Resources (NG), along with its spinoff NovaCopper (NCQ). Among our option positions, concerns about tepid sales of Apple’s iPhones in China put pressure on a number of stocks late last week, including Cirrus… Read More