David Dittman

David Dittman is no longer with Investing Daily. 

Analyst Articles

The Finance Ministry’s guidelines facilitate the conversion of SIFTs into corporations via one of two methods that are both tax-free for Canadian tax purposes and are most likely tax-free for US tax purposes as well. Read More

Three How They Rate entries announced distribution cuts last month. At the root of all three was the economic weakness in North America that continues to hammer sales, cash flow and distributions. Read More

As much as Cineplex’ numbers suggest that the company is resistant to economic downturns, there’s no escaping the conclusion that it’s captive to the quality of the productions coming out of Hollywood. Read More

Like his response to the recent domestic crisis, his handling of China illustrates Stepehn Harper’s maturation from leader of a Western Canada-focused protest party to head of one of the strongest pillars in the global financial system. Read More

For US-based investors looking for ways to hedge against the long-term threat of inflation, to take advantage of the present reality of a declining USD relative to currencies of resource-rich, financially stable countries, and to grab a little China-levered growth, Australia is worth a deeper look. Read More

Four How They Rate entries announced distribution cuts last month. Unlike in prior months, all but one of these moves was the result of a strategic move by management rather than direct business weakness. Read More

Estimates from experimental tests indicate that the process can recover as much as 80 percent of original oil-in-place while partially upgrading the crude oil in situ. Read More

Korean National Oil Company’s decision to buy Harvest Energy Trust is curious on many levels. But the difficulty resource-hungry SWFs and SOEs face is that most of the plum assets--productive and located in safe jurisdictions--are already under the control of global resource heavyweights. Read More