David Dittman

David Dittman is no longer with Investing Daily. 

Analyst Articles

How Prime Minister Stephen Harper handles the Potash Corp of Saskatchewan (TSX: POT, NYSE: POT) bidding could determine whether he finally gets his majority--or retains the government at all. Read More

“The Great Recession” in Canada was shorter and shallower than the country’s previous two recessions. Those downturns paved the way for real fiscal responsibility, balanced budgets and a fundamentally sound economy. Read More

The dawn of 2011 doesn’t mean bureaucratic nightmares will disappear. Here’s how to get proper treatment for your Canadian SIFT distributions or newly corporate dividends. Read More

Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall may have dropped the phrase that will define the nascent struggle for control of one of his province’s main cash cows. Read More

Innovation will be key to public bus transportation realizing its unexplored potential. This high-yielder is one of North America's top makers of cutting-edge, large-scale people-movers. Read More

We still lack absolute dividend clarity for a number of high-profile Canadian companies in our coverage universe. But the latest numbers suggest we’ll have a broad field of high-yielding candidates for long-term wealth-building after Jan. 1, 2011.   Read More