Welcome to Roadrunner Stocks

You have made an excellent choice to add some winning value and momentum small cap stocks to your portfolio. And I will guide you every step of the way.

Please start by reading the most recent issue. You may read it online or by downloading and printing the issue PDF. I think you’ll also find that it reads fairly well on a mobile device.

Next, review the portfolio tables and the underlying Stock Spotlight report linked to each stock in the portfolio tables.

Then, by all means, invest in a handful of the recommendations. My Roadmap article from January 24, 2013 gives you a good primer on which types of small caps may be best suited to your needs.

You are poised to embark on an exciting small-cap investment journey; I will serve as your guide. Your trip promises to be profitable, as well as educational. Each article on the Roadrunner website has room at the bottom for you to submit your comments; I want to swap investing insights with readers and foster highly interactive, give-and-take discussions on the merits of each Roadrunner Stock recommendation.

Let the journey begin!

Jim Fink, chief investment strategist

Stock Talk

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