8/17/12: A Perfect Time for an Addition

Melbourne, Australia-based SMS Management & Technology Ltd (ASX: SMX, OTC: SMSUF) specializes in improving operational performance and IT delivery, everything from business integration to compliance, process improvement to change management and technology strategy to systems integration and application development.

SMS, which has never cut its dividend and now earns a “6” according to the AE Safety Rating System due to its recently announced dividend increase, is a new member of the Australian Edge Portfolio as a Conservative Holding.

The stock has generated a total return of 27.25 percent in US dollar terms since the Sept. 26, 2011, debut of AE, and is up 41.93 percent in calendar 2012. Its long-term performance is equally impressive, including an 88.43 percent five-year total return.

SMS helps businesses innovate to solve their particular problems. More important, it helps them sustain and improve operations so they can remain going concerns. It’s a buy under USD6.50.

For more on SMS Management & Technology see the Sector Spotlight on the stock in the August Australian Edge.

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