Sell JNJ December Put Option and Buy Aetna April 2017 Call

The post-election rally seems to have some short-term legs and the healthcare stocks are putting on quite a show. The early indications suggest that money is aggressively flowing into the health insurance companies. As a result, a change of tactics is called for.

I recommend the sale of the Johnson & Johnson December 16, 2016 115 Put Option (JNJ_121616P115) immediately followed by the purchase of the Aetna April 17 120 Call Option (AET_042117C120).

Sell Johnson & Johnson December 16, 2016 115 Put Option (JNJ_121616P115).

Buy Aetna April 17 120 Call Option (AET_042117C120) up to $9.

Stock Talk

Frank L.

Frank L.

Hi Joe,
I cannot join you in this option change….yes, no doubt the puts on JNJ were unfortunately a bad choice but we’ll all survive another day. However, AET is not for me. Good Luck !

Dave G.

Dave G.

Is it still current advice to buy the Aetna April 21 120 Call @ less than 9 now that it is hovering around 4.45 ?

Joe Duarte

Joe Duarte

Hi Dave:

That trade is closed. You can see the active option trades by clicking on the portfolio tab at the top of the page and clicking on the options trades heading.

Joe Duarte

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