Western Digital LEAPs Ahead of Schedule

In the inaugural issue of Breakthrough Tech Profits, I recommended disk drive manufacturer Western Digital (WDC) as a play on growth in the SSD (solid state drive) market due to its recent acquisition of SanDisk. Although I felt the benefits from that transaction would be realized sooner than most other analysts expected, even I had no idea the stock would begin performing so well this soon. At the end of that article I also suggested an options play on WDC that has already gained more than 60% due the leveraged nature of LEAPS:

“For example, a call option with a strike price of $45, only slightly out-of-the-money at the moment, can be bought for roughly $8, resulting in a break even point of $53. If the share price of Western Digital gets to $60 in 18 months, then this option would have an intrinsic value of $15 for a gain of better than 80%. Only experienced option traders with a high tolerance for risk should consider engaging in this type of transaction because there is also the risk of full loss.”

Since we have already captured nearly 80% of that expected gain in less than two months, we feel its time to take it and roll those profits into some new option recommendations that we will be providing in the upcoming issue of Breakthrough Tech Profits this Thursday. 

Stock Talk



I find your July 15 alert somewhat confusing.do youi recommend buying WDC options now?

William Romov

Will Romov

We issued an alert recommending the purchase of WDC options back in May 2016. This alert today on July 15 is to inform readers that we are closing that options position for a gain of 80%.

Jim will have a new options recommendation in the next issue of Breakthrough Tech Profits.

I hope this helps clarify. Have a wonderful weekend.


Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce

To clarify, as stated in the alert we will realize roughly 80% of the gain referenced in the original article, which works out to about a 60% return on invested capital.

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