6/22/12: More Data

Data Group Inc (TSX: DGI, OTC: DGPIF) is a former Big Yield Hunting recommendation that we advised exiting in March 2012. Since then the stock has dropped roughly 20 percent, even as the underlying company reported very strong first-quarter earnings and affirmed the strength of its dividend.

Data Group yields nearly 14 percent at its current price, with dividends paid monthly on or about the 15th of the month. The next ex-dividend date is expected to be on or about Jul. 17 for payment in August.

We’re looking for a return trip to a range of USD8 to USD9, just as we were when we entered Data the first time in May 2011. The timing for achieving that will depend much on market conditions, which are likely to remain jagged and volatile this summer.

But so long as Data continues to execute its business plan, hold its dividend and avoid running up debt burdens, it looks set to get there for patient investors. Buy under USD5.

For more on Data Group, plus a comprehensive look at all Open Positions, see the June Big Yield Hunting.

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