VIDEO: Tiny Doses, Huge Profits: Seize The Microdosing Boom!

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The psychedelics industry is gaining significant traction, setting the stage for explosive growth in the latter half of 2024. The narrative surrounding psychedelics is evolving rapidly, moving beyond its stigmatized past to a future where these substances are recognized for their therapeutic potential and spiritual benefits.

Psilocybin (the psychoactive ingredient in magic mushrooms), LSD, ketamine, MDMA, and other psychedelic substances are entering mainstream consciousness, not just as recreational substances, but as powerful tools for alleviating depression, PTSD, anxiety, and other mental health conditions.

Moreover, the burgeoning interest in psychedelics is attracting the attention of Big Pharma, which is keen to integrate and, in some ways, co-opt this emerging field.

However, amid this flurry of activity, there is an underrated aspect of the psychedelics movement that even its adherents may be missing: the role of microdosing in enhancing cognitive function and productivity.

Psychedelics is poised to become a huge market. Annual global sales of psychedelic-based drugs are expected to reach $5.1 billion by 2032, for a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.6% during the 10-year forecast period, according to the firm Market Research (see my video for charts).

Psychedelics is increasingly popular with average Americans. Taking a psychedelic trip is no longer stigmatized or seen as the decadent indulgence of hippies. The medical establishment is increasingly supportive of these substances as well.

It’s no secret that microdosing is an accelerating trend among corporate executives, Hollywood stars, middle class professionals, soccer moms…you name it. But it might come as a surprise to you the extent to which this trend is being targeted and monetized by entrepreneurs.

Psychedelics have long been associated with profound psychological and spiritual experiences. Recent studies and clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy of substances such as LSD and psilocybin in treating a range of mental health issues.

These substances are thought to promote neuroplasticity, allowing the brain to form new connections and pathways, which can lead to lasting positive changes in mental health.

In addition to their therapeutic potential, psychedelics also are being embraced for their ability to enhance spiritual experiences. Many users report a deep sense of interconnectedness and transcendence, which can lead to lasting changes in outlook and behavior.

The growing recognition of psychedelics’ therapeutic potential has not gone unnoticed by the pharmaceutical industry. Big Pharma is increasingly looking to absorb and integrate these substances into their product portfolios.

The investment potential of microdosing…

While much of the focus has been on the therapeutic and spiritual benefits of psychedelics, one trend that is flying under the radar (at least from an investment standpoint) is the practice of microdosing.

Microdosing involves taking sub-hallucinogenic doses of psychedelics, such as LSD or psilocybin, which do not produce the intense hallucinations associated with higher doses. Instead, microdosing is reported to enhance cognitive function, creativity, and productivity.

Numerous anecdotal reports and scientific studies suggest that microdosing can lead to improved mood, increased focus, and problem-solving abilities.

This aspect of the psychedelics movement is particularly appealing to professionals, entrepreneurs, and creatives looking for a cognitive edge. Unlike traditional uses of psychedelics, microdosing is integrated into daily routines, making it a practical option for enhancing everyday performance.

Savvy investors should pay close attention to the microdosing trend, because it represents a significant and underappreciated growth area within the psychedelics industry.

Several startups and companies are already exploring this niche, developing microdosing products and services. A bevy of new companies are conducting research and developing microdosing therapies aimed at improving cognitive function and mental well-being.

In addition to direct investment in companies specializing in microdosing, there are other related opportunities. For instance, the development of standardized microdosing protocols and delivery systems, such as transdermal patches or precision dosing devices, represents a promising area for innovation.

Companies that can create reliable, user-friendly microdosing products are likely to capture a significant share of this emerging market.

Editor’s Note: I cover psychedelics and its ancillary industry, cannabis.

I’m the editorial director of Investing Daily. I’m also the chief investment strategist of our premium trading service Marijuana Profit Alert.

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